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love? (6)

1 Name: tonight : 2020-08-12 21:23 ID:xGYrIfV5 [Del]

I dont think i can love. I dont feel anything anymore. i feel the need to protect but i dont feel the love that comes with that. I always say i love you. but i dont think i mean it at all. its just empty words. I save my sister from doing stupid things, not out of love, but if something bad were to happen to her i would have to deal with my mom being sad. And i dont want to. I dont wanna deal with her sad bullshit ever. Ive never cried at funerals, not once, my parents say that when they die ill be sad. but i think about it, and at the end of the day i dont think i really care. advice? im so confused.

2 Name: gata : 2020-08-13 21:50 ID:jYDw+UI6 [Del]

i dont think i can offer any advice but just a comforting word. every one of us can feel love, it'll take you time but you'll get there. don't give up on your feelings and what lies ahead of them

3 Name: im not a morning dance : 2020-08-15 16:47 ID:FJ0I8u+X [Del]

i'll have to disagree with the other reply. i'm pretty sure i'm ace and well, not everyone can feel romantic attraction at least. but that's not necessarily a requirement. and i think it might be the same for other kinds of love too. not everyone can feel those emotions, and even if they do feel it, it's always in a different way.
i've personally been feeling super bummed out about "not being able to feel love", because i just don't attach myself to people easily at all, because i don't attach enough importance to them, or because i'm scared of attaching importance to them. i know the circumstances here are different, because they always are, but i still think that it's not something you should stress yourself out actively looking for. if you don't feel love right now, that's okay, you're you. if it doesn't hinder your life, that's even better. if you ever do feel love at one point, great! but even if you don't, that's not a prerequisite to being human.
i'm gonna go on a tangent there but i think the meaning to human life is not to love, duh. i think it's more about feeling stuff and being able to rationalize stuff. if you're not feeling love, that doesn't mean you're not feeling anything else. i guess where i'm getting at is that, it's okay not to feel love. if you feel sad about not feeling love, that's another issue that i'm going through so i won't be able to answer that, but if you're not bothered and you're just confused, honestly, you're just valid. a lot of people are just like that but they're either not aware of it or they don't show it. and even if other people weren't like that and you were the only person to feel like that, well, i don't think it's a bad thing to be one of a kind. anyways, i hope that helped, and if it didn't, well, that's also fine. have a nice morning/day/evening/night!

4 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2020-08-15 21:22 ID:h59cV0zs [Del]

>>3 is confusing attraction with love and OP seems to have more of an empathy problem than a love problem.

My sister has zero empathy and like OP described, likely would not cry when someone in our family dies. Hell, two years back, we had a bunch of our pets die and she didn't cry at all for any of them, but she loved them. She got super frustrsted that our mom keep trying to see if she was alright, because in my sister's mind, of course she was alright. She didn't see any reason to not be.
She does a lot for us, but she just doesn't feel empathy. And she doesn't see a problem with it.

So like >>3 said, it's okay to be like that if you're okay with it and there are other people out there. (I just don't agree with them attributing it to asexuality or aromanticism. I don't think it's that.)

But OP, if this is something that actually bothers you, I highly highly recommend talking to a therapist if you're able to. It would help recognize what you are and aren't feeling and what could be causing it, if anything.
However, if you're fine with it, then just live your life! It may not be "normal" to others, but people are gonna judge you no matter what, so just be you.

5 Name: omverse : 2020-08-16 06:20 ID:WiMN5NkO [Del]

We've been able to convince ourselves that only those in proximity should be those dearest to us, and that self-deception was enough to make it feel real for a long time.

But that idea has reached its peak in manifestation and is declining currently. Declining only as the idea of where we direct our love towards. We've been funneling all of our love into a pool of obligation built of fear and pride generation after generation, and the world that was built through that very idea has become unsafe.

And now it's asking us to redirect it. Love is asking us to direct it outward, upward, and inward.

Elsewhere. Where others' love has no direction either. And direct it where fear resides, so that it can be replaced with love; for those places are manifest through the spectrum of reality born by hoarding love and wealth and peace of mind. And those places without love harbor the very things we need to protect ourselves and each other from.

There is a cycle that continues here, and we can continue it by setting another foundation for our own pool to hoard our love from anything else and further that need to protect ourselves from the reality we perpetuate. Or we can see that this all has nothing really to do with love or what it is.

We can, as many have, let ourselves go numb to the emotions of death and there is no harm in that. In fact it's celebrated by some to understand that death is not sad at all. It does not make you a bad person, it does not make you incapable of love; this is a rather advanced way of being. The reality of death marks a transition, and how you feel about it really has nothing to do with love either.

Love is just the word for whatever fuels your life. Love is channeled through us and we are it's guide. It is not ours but what we do with it very much determines how we feel.

Perpetuating this idea of selfishly hoarding 'love' to a birth appointed title has caused the channel of love which flows through us to constrict. There is less love to feel because the channel is closing. It is closing because the idea that love represents for us is loses meaning.

We have to redirect our energy, spread it out, because it's not meant to be boxed in and shared only by a few. You have a channel unique to everyone and we all need it as much as you need us. None of our love is meant for a few but for all.

It wont feel good right away, though. Once you come to agree with a new understanding of love and adhere your behavior with that understanding, it will take time for that channel to open up again. But that's all for a reason. Have faith in yourself that the time it will take is to ensure you won't return to old habits. Once the channel is opened up enough, it will be easy to convince yourself again that those in proximity are the only ones who should be dearest to you; don't be fooled.

6 Name: gata : 2020-08-16 08:02 ID:jYDw+UI6 [Del]

i didnt think op was talking abt attraction bc op mentioned their sister. im sorry if i seemed too dismissing!!
as i said, we will all feel love someday. i personally never let my self feel love or comfort other people give me.
but i believe that one day we'll all feel love and accept it. im sorry i can't offer much but i hope u all have an amazing day/night.