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questions on introversion (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-07-26 21:28 ID:Ae5Ly5Xs [Del]

i asked these questions on another post but thought of posting this on a new thread to get more people to see and reply. thank you.

how do i work as an introvert effectively? how can i be a good introverted leader, with extroverted people in my team?

2 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-07-27 04:01 ID:V8uImwXK [Del]

Ok, I'm the same person who replied to your other post, if you don't mind, can you just answer these questions, to be able to understand better your problem?
About your first question:
1. What is your job? What do you do everyday there?
About your second question:
1. This is related to what you said in your other post, why do you hate your colleagues? Are they direspecting you or something?
2.Do you hate all of them or there is one that you can get along?
3. Are they older or younger than you?
4. Are you new in the team and they know each other for a long time?
5. Is this permanent, like are you going to be their leader for a long time or for just one project, or something like that?

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2020-07-27 09:19 ID:Ae5Ly5Xs [Del]

first question:
1. im a business student. i do team projects and all.

second question:
1. i think i hate them for two big reasons. one is my own incompetence, i feel that they are smarter than me and all that. two is i find them annoying and cringy due to difference in personality and likings.

2. there are 5 people in my team including me. i pretty much dislike them because i cant click with them. we just differ. the way we express ourselves etc. however particularly 2 of them i feel extra tense around. probably because they are more opiniated.

3. 3 older, 1 younger. the particular 2 are older than me.

4. kind of know them since we are year 2 now but we are not close at all.. so still kinda strangers..

5. just a project, end in less than a month from now.

5 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-07-27 15:16 ID:V8uImwXK [Del]

Ok, wait I'm confused are you already working, on a company ? Or are you still in university(because you wrote "business student"), is that a project that you need to do for it?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2020-07-27 23:49 ID:+wEFVaMP [Del]

oh im just a student, working on a project, not actually working for a company.

7 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-07-28 09:57 ID:V8uImwXK [Del]

Ok. You said it all. Team projects, so I’m not sure how to help you to work effectively(please someone help about that part), but let’s see the second question, how to be a good introverted leader.

You want to be a good introverted leader with extroverted persons. First, you think that they are smarter than you? That’s just lack of confidence, they’re older than you, maybe they have more years of practice and more knowledge but that does NOT mean that they are smarter. Who got chosen to be a leader? You. Why? Maybe, because you’re more serious than them and being able to be serious is a super important skill (or maybe because of other reasons). You're unconfident about your smartness but you shouldn't. You're stressed out, so you're just losing faith in yourself and that CANNOT HAPPEN. As a leader, you cannot show that you’re unsure, you must remain positive but strict. You shouldn’t be mean, in the way of yelling at them but that project has a deadline, motivate them to end it. You don’t like them? That’s good, in the way that you don’t feel bad for pressuring them. Annoy them, but not being “mean”, just tell them that the more soon you end that project, more soon they can go on with their lives (and you too). You may be introverted but you have a voice, you’re just tired of all of this, you need to overcome that shyness and show them that you want a good project and that you are a good leader.

Let’s talk about the critical two. They are older, they have more knowledge(which is perfectly normal), then they should use it for the benefit of the team. They are opinionated, they disagree with you, then they should justify themselves and give other ideas, since they are “so smart”. And listen to what they have to say,( even with the other younger one that is not so much like them), they will like to see that you respect their thoughts and maybe they’ll have good ideas. I’m not saying to become the best friends of the entire world but look over the fact that they are extroverted and that they’re different from you. Just think of them as business students like you, that maybe they’re not so different. And think, maybe your different likings will compensate and make a great result!

Ok, so maybe I’ve repeated myself several times but I think that you got what I tried to tell you: more confidence, raise yourself, listen to them, ask for accuracy and try to see beyond your differences.
I hope that this helped, and anyone else willing to help me to help him, go ahead!!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2020-07-29 11:03 ID:AwDyIMkk [Del]

once again thank you so much for your reply. it was helpful. i do realise i need more confidence etc. and yes i need to see beyond the differences and find a way to achieve the best outcome for my project. ill keep your words in mind and do better for my own sake. the bright side is my project is ending soon! also things are getting better because i opened up a little with one of them and he is helping me with leading the team. we are like co-leaders. ill take this opportunity to relax a little and learn from the experience. overall, im the kind of person that is usually the leader in a team, but i dont mind stepping down if someone esle is "better" than me. however, i will still have a mind of my own and wont just follow orders. i guess i dont like being a follower due to some ego but i may be too inexperienced in being a leader, thus my problems. well.. ill make my adjustments, but in the future, ill seek for jobs that i can work alone, or at least minimal teamwork.

alright then, i think im done ranting, thank you again for your replies. they were helpful.

9 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-07-29 12:13 ID:V8uImwXK [Del]

Dude, that's great!! The best thing in leading a team is to always have an ally on your side! Keep up with that great mood!
I hope the best for the rest of your studies and future!

10 Name: Train : 2020-07-29 17:12 ID:gCKy5sLk [Del]

Can we get one thing clear? Introverts are smarter than extroverts, and they're bullied, pushed around and belittled because extroverts know it.

11 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-07-30 06:11 ID:V8uImwXK [Del]

Hey, first, just to say I'm an introvert. Then, you know, you shouldn't generalize extroverts and introverts like that. I know some extroverts that are very smart, actually, the best student of my grade is an extroverted girl. I also know some introverts that are not as smarts as some extroverts. It depends a lot.
But yes it's true, it's more common to find extroverts bullying introverts, and yes it may be related to their smartness but it's not always like that. Sometimes, it's for other reasons.
But maybe you're living that experience and that's why you're saying that, I think.