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Social Anxiety Rant (4)

1 Name: Xara !cLAc5rAVRA : 2020-06-16 18:31 ID:shQjQ0Eh [Del]

I know im not alone with social anxiety but the feeling of being scared to socialize because of how others might perceive you or you think something will go wrong is just so overwhelming. With some people i can talk about anything but with my guy friends I feel like I'm boring and lame compared to them. Basically I'm the only girl in my guy friend group and don't get me wrong i don't hate it, I love hanging out with dudes and shit. But sometimes i feel like I'm not funny compared to them, and everytime i try to make a joke I feel like I'm so unoriginal or crying. Its probably me overthinking but I cant help it. Theres a guy I like too but I literally can't have a normal conversation without feeling stressed and weird cuz I feel like I'm boring to him or Im trying too hard to conversate. It honestly sucks and I compare myself to others which isn't good. Im only in highschool so I understand that guys usually go for looks during this age. Compared to the girls that look good everyday, have a decent ass, and have nice breasts; I am lacking in many of those departments. I guess that Im not ashamed of not having a perfect body since Its out of my control but yk sometimes I just wish. I have a huge problem with socializing that sometimes I can go days without ever saying a word to anyone. I enjoy my own company a lot but sometimes it gets very lonely. Im feeling lonely at the moment that's why Im ranting right now. Ik what people might say,"Just try to talk to people more and don't worry about what they'll think". While this is good advice, I probably am too stubborn to be able to do this. Its my fault that I cant socially decently with others and I accept that. Its really hard getting out of this shell right now so thank you for reading if you even got this far. Let me know if anyone can relate to this please. :)

2 Name: spybot : 2020-06-17 01:58 ID:79UxMRGu [Del]

Hello. I went through highschool, had social anxiety. I know how it feels not to fit sometimes. I'm a girl too, and i know it's pretty hard to us to fit on a man's group more than a /mixed group/ or /girls group/. It's true that most of the time we make ourselves awkard on our minds and we seem insecure about ourselves but that's just us. I later realized my lack of confidence made me look weird sometimes and i had to learn to trust my own word, even if i say something stupid or even wrong, don't freak out and if someone tries to point that out just tell them to fuck off. I practiced on my room really hard and prepare myself for many situations until some day i just knew what to say. Most of highschool is awkard and that's ok.
Also therapy really helps and it's effective, and i didn't even go there because of social anxiety. Maybe not that big piece of advice, but i read it all and just have to post :) good luck I hope you are doing well.

3 Name: Xara !cLAc5rAVRA : 2020-06-17 20:34 ID:sG5/aNAQ [Del]

Thank you for reading my large response :). I was so happy that someone actually read the whole post and tried to give me some advice. It means a lot really! And yes your right about if someone tries to point out something about me I'll tell em to fuck off. No point in trying to feel bad. Thank you again, this gave me a confidence boost :).

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-06-17 21:59 ID:q9hD0iaF [Del]

I'm an otoko and I relate to this, except its a bit worse because I couldn't handle conversation even with the people I knew. Lucky me that they at least understand the reason I always shut my mouth is because I just didn't have anything to talk about, but now now, this will be a problem when it comes to talking with actual strangers.

Its so bad actually to the point where I even contemplate whether to go to the convenient store or not, because of the sheer anxiety. What should I say when I'm at the check out, everything is just going endlessly inside my mind.

You're not the only one onboard, that's all.