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Friendly Reminder: BEING A "BAD TIPPER" IS LEGAL (8)

1 Name: Winning : 2020-06-01 02:28 ID:gCKy5sLk [Del]

[Incoming Rant] It is ILLEGAL to mess with your customers' food, however. You want to try getting back at me by making me wait longer? I'll complain to management. I don't have to tip you if I simply don't feel like it. You want to mess with my food? I'll complain to the management. Customers - who were rude simply for power abuse - came to realize that THEY'RE UNFAIRLY EXPECTED TO TIP GENEROUSLY REGARDLESS OF YOUR SERVICE QUALITY, so they figured, "I can be as rude as I want to be." You DO NOT have ANY right to spoil a customer's food fpr ANY reason You DO NOT get to dictate -non-tippers to stay home. Who do you think you are? Police? A dictator?

Sure, we're hated. We hate you too.

2 Name: Winning : 2020-06-01 02:35 ID:gCKy5sLk [Del]

"If you can't afford to tip, you CAN still afford to eat out at a high-rating restaurant - so treat yourself!" is the motto I live by. Opposing this motto is discriminating against lower-income folks.

3 Name: Winning : 2020-06-01 02:38 ID:gCKy5sLk [Del]

"If you can't afford to tip, you CAN still afford to eat out at a high-rating restaurant - so treat yourself!" is the motto I live by. Opposing this motto is discriminating against lower-income folks.

4 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2020-06-01 12:13 ID:LVcMxnVU [Del]

No offense, but you sound entitled.
Most of those waiters and waitresses ARE lower-income folks. If you don't like the expectation to tip, then take it up with your local legislation to make a wage based mostly on tips illegal.
Otherwise, you are allowing the cyvle to continue where low income people are forced to get these jobs because it's their best option to put food on the table, customers treat them poorly because they're minimum wage employees, they get frustrated from all the stress they're under, and then they aren't all nice and bubbly when working.
Stop making their work environment so stressful maybe? I don't have much money, so I can't really tip generously. But NEVER have I been treated poorly by the employees because of that. I'm always kind to whoever is serving me because they're still a person. Maybe you're just a dick?

5 Name: omverse : 2020-06-01 14:40 ID:FaVUBcc/ [Del]

Tipping is a part of the cost when you Go Out to eat; you are being provided a service that is severely underappreciated in this world. They greet you, seat you, quench you, cook the food exactly the way you want it, and you only have to put it in your own mouth.

I'm confident enough to say you've never worked in the service industry.

You are walking into a sit-down service establishment with a limited amount of money, knowing there are place you could probably get more food for less money, and some of these places don't allow you to tip.

This can't have been caviar birthed from the fish that inspired Dory. It couldn't have been the monkey brains recipe that Anthony Hopkins ate in the Hannibal movie, It could not have been The Works Pretzel from Pretzel day on the Office. IT COULDNT HAVE BEEN THE BANANA ONION JUICE FROM ATLA. Were it any of these I would expect the meal might have broken your bank.

If you didnt know...
You can also buy more food for less at the market and eat at home. Cooking is much easier than people make it out to be, and cleaning up after yourself is not laborious either.

By the way you told them you weren't tipping them before you ordered your food?

You're asking for retaliation, you're gas-lighting, you're giving the world a reason to be upset with you. You don't have impunity, and whats legal and what's illegal doesn't define what's right and wrong. You're trying to bring legality into a moral discussion.

I would love to hear the servers side of the story.

6 Name: Silver : 2020-06-01 20:07 ID:itmjhU8+ [Del]

Servers make less than minimum wage and often times work more than 40 hour weeks. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's moral, You can choose not to be an a-hole just because someone was a little too slow for you. Coming from a person who's low on the economic class scale, whenever I do go out to eat I always tip. And you should too, jerk.

7 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-06-02 10:45 ID:OHTd/W4X [Del]

Ok karen.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2020-06-11 15:29 ID:IckTpxNo [Del]

>>5 Is that a system in you country?
I don't think anyone is obliged to tip, and not everyone has the finincial capability to do so, does that mean we can never go eat out for a change of breath? Of course not.
And all the things you mentioned are things that are part of their job, and they're getting paid for it (even if they're underpaid) I'm not saying it allowed you to be rude to them not at all, treat everyone nicely and with respect, but I don't have to tip, if sometime I've got extra money and tipped that's alright but if I don't have then I'm not obliged to, unless the store made it clear tipping is obliged for the meal.