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Male Masturbation (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-29 00:33 ID:jnNkgmCt [Del]

I have been masturbating almost every day for 7 years straight. However, I am living my life fine, but I am not sure about biological problems. Is it a big problem?

2 Name: Calby : 2020-05-30 01:54 ID:Un7/rjSK [Del]

Honestly I think there are some problems in doing that but you should stop if YOU feel like its unhealthy to you. Might want to take breaks, see if you feel better.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-30 20:17 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

Not a doctor but I think you're fine, as long as it's not keeping you from functioning normally in your daily life. Your libido is probably just on the higher side. If it's disrupting your daily life, you want to stop but can't, or it reaches a point that YOU feel is just excessive, then bring it up with your doctor.

4 Name: Worm : 2020-06-05 18:00 ID:GB9j8fe9 [Del]

I've read that by masturbating regularly and in a specific way for a long period of time it can effect how your penis will react to a vagina (if you're straight). By masturbating regularly your penis could become used to the feel of your hand rather than the softness of a vagina. Therefore, many men have the issue of being unable to orgasm through vaginal sex, but need to resort to doing anal or oral to achieve orgasm (because they need it tighter).

This is just what I've read about this. Do what you will with it.

5 Name: Chipsa : 2020-06-09 05:35 ID:Q+eYDPBh [Del]

I'm pretty sure that one is just a rumour having to do with the whole... Watching porn thing. Like, people who watch porn and get their jollies off to it too much become accustomed to certain visual stimuli and then can't mamage without, sometimes. But I don't really know much about that.