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I've been lied to (6)

1 Name: Wolfm : 2020-05-02 23:53 ID:9P5rrnWY [Del]

So apparently my older brother and sister are actually my half-siblings. We don't have the same mother. I did not know this until yesterday, so it's been hidden from me for more than 15 years. I don't even know if I'm upset at my parents, I understand their reasoning for not telling me. They wanted us to live as a close family, and knowing that we weren't full siblings probably would have ruined that. I'm just shocked, naturally, and I needed a place to vent.

It's not even that they just ignored it, I was actively lied to. My cousin mentioned it in passing once, but I didn't believe it, especially after I brought it up to my mom and she just laughed it off. My father finally told me last night, and I'm afraid the only reason he did so was because he was slightly drunk. My mom confirmed it, but I don't think they would have told me otherwise. This seems like an important thing to know, that there is some other woman out there who is actually my siblings' mum. Apparently she has more children too, so my siblings have more siblings that aren't my siblings... you can see why me head hurts.

I've begun to wonder how they view me, my brother and sister. Do they love me less than I love them, because they knew we weren't full blood? Or did they not care and see me as their sister anyway, like I still see them? I don't even know how to bring it up to them that I've been informed.

Anyways, thanks for listening.

2 Name: Nikki : 2020-05-03 13:34 ID:qO7J2QqJ [Del]

I have two older sisters & we’re half siblings, they have a different father than I do. My mother tried to keep it a secret but naturally I was confused because they had a different last name than I did. I asked her about it as a child but she brushed it off & never gave me a straight answer. But I kinda came to the realization that we must have different fathers as the years went by and I got a little older. But anyway I’ve always seen my sisters as exactly that. I’ve never referred to them as my “half sisters” & they’ve never referred to me that way. You should probably talk your siblings, I’m pretty sure the fact that you’re their “half sibling” doesn’t mean they see you in a negative light ya know?? My guess is that your parents did what my mother probably did as well. They probably kept it a secret because they didn’t want you growing up viewing each other as “half siblings” but just siblings. The topic of us having different fathers isn’t a sore one and we openly talk about it at times. I really think you should talk to your siblings & parents I know it’ll be difficult & you can’t predict the outcome. But if you don’t try & get the explanation you want/need, you’re feelings (which are valid) could really just start piling up & end up affecting you negatively.
Hope you find the answers you’re looking for xxx

3 Name: Wolfm : 2020-05-03 14:49 ID:9P5rrnWY [Del]

Thanks a lot Nikki, I think you're right about talking to them.

4 Name: Persée : 2020-05-03 18:14 ID:xlrNBe/5 [Del]

I hope that Nikki is right, and I do this so myself. If you never felt actively left aside by the rest of your siblings, surely they see you as their sister and love you from the bottom of their hearts.

5 Name: wolfm : 2020-05-08 15:13 ID:9P5rrnWY [Del]

I talked to them, its all cleared up now. There isn't any hard feelings and I think if anything we're even closer than before.

6 Name: Nikki : 2020-05-08 18:17 ID:mvf4ZbsW [Del]

I’m so glad to read that!!