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Height Insecurity (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-20 03:57 ID:JUIId6pL [Del]

My height, last measured, was 5'10" or 179cm. I am from Asia and it is actually above average. However, I feel I am short and it is affecting my confidence. Since I cannot willingly change my height, what should I do to cope?

2 Name: omverse : 2020-04-22 00:17 ID:J1wGRLuY [Del]

Those tweets that say shit like "anything under 6 foot aint no man" come from people who are not only insecure about their height, they're insecure about;

-Weight and weight distribution,
-breast size(man or woman),
-how far apart their eyes are spaces,
-the size of their nostrils, their ears,
-their hairline, their hair color,
-the size/shape of their fingernails,
-the color of their fingernails,
-the creases/wrinkles on their knuckles wrists elbows knees forehead neck etc,
-the size of their clothes, the colors of their clothes,
-the brand of their clothes, the store they bought the clothes in,
-the car they drove to get to the store,
-the music they listen to in the car,
-how many empty fast food containers are on the floor of their car,
-what cafe they get their coffee from,
-how they take their coffee,
-the annunciation and precision in which they state their coffee order,
-which social media platform they post a picture of themselves drinking their coffee on,
-exactly who and the number of people who react to the coffee post,
-the pride they carry for not buying a pastry with the coffee and asking for soymilk instead of cream,
-the job they go to after they get the coffee that they "need" to get through their day at work
-the people they associate with at work
-the passion or ambivalence for which they do their job
-whether or not the people they spend time with after work can help them forget about their own insecurities
-whether or not they really want to go home after they had too many drinks after working
-whether or not they really want to go to work when they get up the next day.
-how many calories are in their breakfast,

if you want me to post more let me know, i figured you get the point by now

3 Name: omverse : 2020-04-22 00:26 ID:J1wGRLuY [Del]

point is they need to find ways to bring others down to absolve their own insecurities in the moment. There's no truth to any of it because culture is fantasy. We're just humans.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-22 19:57 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

The previous response has good points, just thought I'd add one more thing.

The idea that women don't like short men, or even just men under 6 ft, is a huge over-generalization. I'm 5'3, so I actually prefer men who are between 5'3 and 5'8. I know a bunch of other women who feel this way, too. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to physical looks, so don't let yourself believe that you could be undesirable just because you're not tallest guy around.

Height doesn't have any influence on how much of a man you are. You are not too short to be attractive. Nobody is.

5 Name: Nil : 2020-04-24 15:50 ID:qrRv2WtD [Del]

Don't worry bout it! I'm from Asia and I'm 163cm! 19 now.Can't really change the state of things, wish I was a bit taller though, but nevertheless, I am happy with what I have.