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Tired of friends (7)

1 Name: Applegot : 2020-03-19 08:46 ID:GjcPCxRl [Del]

I really love my friends. But I feel like i'm happier without them.My new friends are really cool (in the otaku way). My best friend annoys me so hard.
You have to know I am really really fast annoyed of someone. I just can't be together with someone for a long time.
I love to be alone.
Help, do you know that problem?

2 Name: Inuhakka !!V7GAyyMH : 2020-03-19 15:41 ID:geWDBjlD [Del]

I had the same thing when I was in high school. I liked my friends a lot, but after a while they would always annoy me. Actually, even my SO is like that for me. I think it is not a problem you are like that. Some people need "recharge" time alone away from other people.

Also, when I would hang out with some people, I would quickly wish I was somewhere else. I don't know for sure, but I think that just means you aren't vibing that much and maybe look for someone else to hang with. Other people like you that need some time alone, they might understand better and be easier to hang out with. It's not easy to find new people though, I wish you luck!

Now, excuse me while I spend some time alone...

3 Name: Kat : 2020-03-21 01:29 ID:dsr5ZjEa [Del]

I am still currently in school and I agree with everything you just said. I am introverted to the point of being almost antisocial. I prefer to be alone with just a book or youtube and my bestfriend is the same way. I also get annoyed with people really fast and I have so little patience with people. I (personally) don't actually think this is a problem and I have learned to accept it as a part of who I am. If people have a problem with it then I don't really care because I'm probably not going to hang out with them anyways.

4 Name: Wolf : 2020-03-25 22:10 ID:O+4NbeDN [Del]

Maybe try hanging out with lots of different people? Social mobility can give you much more freedom to move between groups and never get bored-school can be very cliquey and it can be very easy to get stuck in one group, so it’s great that you’ve got new friends. I completely understand the situation you’re in; being alone is great too. I’d say maybe balance hanging out with different people and on your own more.

5 Name: cee : 2020-03-26 13:17 ID:6aHPXmKF [Del]

I know that problem very well, you meet some people that are rather friendly & they take a liking to you & you to them. But you have the feeling & ask yourself “do I really need them?” As of right now I really only have one friend & even then I tend to distance myself frequently from them. I came to the realization that a lot of my “friendships” over the years were just me lying to myself. I was in a way forcing myself to smile, laugh & enjoy my time with them. I may sound rude but I’ve cut many people out of my life. I still met new people of course but I don’t go out of my way to start up a friendship ya know?? If it happens it happens, but overall i rather spend my time alone like you. If you feel like it’s a drag to hang out with someone, then don’t. I’m sure you’ll eventually find a true & real friendship with someone along the way... just don’t lie to yourself about your feelings (:

6 Name: Applegot : 2020-04-01 04:02 ID:x2OPA+9s [Del]

Thanks for the beautiful comments guys.
That helps me a lot.

Take this heart and this cookie
❤️ 🍪

7 Name: cee : 2020-04-01 19:29 ID:swS1QNvp [Del]

I love cookies <3