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..... Scared of being in public alone (4)

1 Name: Hana : 2020-02-06 02:32 ID:m95hhfyz [Del]

Not that long ago I was in a mass shooting and was threatened at knifepoint as well as stalked by the suspect. I was still attending my winter term at college. After those two events, I've been extremely paranoid about someone wanting to hurt me or that there's someone out there to harm me. If the sun goes down im too scared of going to a market thats 3 mins away, i struggle every day. I even have a phobia of going to public transportation, i think that everyone on the bus is going to attack me. I just want to live my damn life. Anyone out there that's experienced the same thing, any advice to improve on this anxiety? Much appreciative.

2 Name: Lonk : 2020-02-06 12:48 ID:WJk2IePB [Del]

im not the best at stuff like this but maybe you should find some help? you probably already considered that option but i highly recommend getting some sort of help if you can afford it. also, try getting a friend or someone you trust to go with you whenever you're in public.

3 Name: Hana : 2020-02-06 15:14 ID:ZyKVVFO7 [Del]

i'm currently waiting for approval, i had a therapist but due do isurance i had to go somewhere else and unfortunately the wait time is a while so i was told. but i appreciate it, just hoped someone had the same issues. Thanks tho, freinds help but still they don't know how to handle the situation.

4 Name: Boric : 2020-02-10 14:23 ID:CZ7cbEZv [Del]

I do not have the same issue, personally. But I did have a friend that suffered from a similar situation.

Due to me moving away, I was not physically able to go with her anywhere, but anytime she was unable to have someone go with her somewhere, she always gave me a call and keep me on the phone when she had to go out. So even if you can't have someone go with you, at least try to call someone, because you are a lot less likely to be a target of a crime when you are on the phone, and it gives you something else to focus on than the fact that you are alone.

I hope you get the help you need. Keep your head up and stay strong, Hana.