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Just Good Looks (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-01-29 03:16 ID:2WSky63M [Del]

I am 18 and had a glow up when I was 17. In the past I was average and now I am quite good-looking. I feel that my life has gotten better just because of this and I am generally happy. However, I feel miserable lately, and kept thinking that all I have is good looks. I am average at best in other things. Due to this, I feel that I lack so much as a person and do not know what to do.

Anyone can relate? Any advice to overcome this?

2 Name: Loerpiou : 2020-01-29 10:35 ID:9KfESg0a [Del]

Hey! Don't worry, it's a very normal feeling and I'm sure that if you asked the people around you, most would tell you they feel the same.

My advice is that you explore as much as you can to figure out your skills and interests. You're 18, that's super young and it's normal not to know what you like or are good at.

Don't be afraid to be judged by others either. If you try to explore and learn new things, you'll eventyally meet people who have more exerience in it than you do. In most cases, they will be more than happy to share their knowedge and experience with you; after all, they're passionate about it, so why wouldn't they be?

If your school has extracurricular activities, go spend some time at the ones that sound interesting to you, and just hang there to see what's up. If you're too shy/self conscious to do that, you can just watch youtube videos about them to see if you actually have an interest in it.

The teens are formative years and it's normal not to know who you are yet.

Good luck, hope that helped!