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Is anyone else tired (13)

1 Name: Lee : 2020-01-27 16:19 ID:026s4DP8 [Del]

Idk but this life Anit it, kinda wanna get murdered already it’s really tuff looking in the mirror every day

2 Name: Silva : 2020-01-27 17:30 ID:AkZEnfQf [Del]

It gets better. Just keep on keeping on and all that. I'm sure you'll find something that makes it all worth it someday.

3 Name: Krow : 2020-01-28 11:10 ID:QPHdaysP [Del]

We all get tired sometimes, but as long as you are alive make sure you go after the things that makes you happy, that's all that matters. Also try and avoid affecting negatively other people around you because every action has a consequence. It's ok to be happy with whatever makes you happy never forget that. Cheers :)

4 Name: puppy95 : 2020-01-29 01:40 ID:teZZ2xjk [Del]

I feel u hard, I been tired for so long -- where ever n who ever u are, just gotta keep going, we can't let the world eat us yo

5 Name: aliyva : 2020-01-30 08:56 ID:X8CZ3Rn1 [Del]

I can relate, definitely have periods where I feel exactly like this but we gotta keep going :) Things might be difficult right now, and it seems like it will never improve, but believe me you'll be surprised when it does get better. Just keep doing whatever makes you happy, and don't let any disappointments or setbacks bring you down :)

6 Name: Kigra : 2020-01-30 19:09 ID:g+auRVhP [Del]

I've been getting that feeling a lot. Heck right now even. It really is difficult to "keep going" when you dont understand exactly how to do that. I like to think it gets better because its just cruel to have multiple bad days in a row, & it does get better, yet instantly the bad days just come back again. Maybe how we feel is worth it someday, but it is hard to live long enough for that time to come. I get that. Sorry, I shouldn't be so negative, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this. My suggestion for you would be to find a healthy habit to cope & express yourself. Hopefully inventing something that either displays how you feel or something just to take your mind off things whether it be through drawing, writing, cooking, etc., helps you come to terms with that negativity & helps you want to live another day. It's okay to be selfish every once in a while to achieve your own happiness, as you are the only one responsible for it, nobody else should tell you what makes you happy & why you should be, only you can. Sorry for the lengthy response, but I hope I've helped you in some way. The world isnt as bad as you think ☆

7 Name: Fyra : 2020-02-01 20:55 ID:X7EyPgGZ [Del]

I used to feel exactly the same way. it was really hard getting up everyday and pretending to be happy. Even when I was pregnant I hated myself i wanted to die. And after I had her same feeling. then i got diagnosed with cancer before she w a month old and realized i was stupid. not saying you are. but don't let shit get you down. try to do new things and be happy. I wish I didn't spend so long hating myself. Now its not even important and the things that are I don't get to enjoy anymore

8 Name: Lee : 2021-07-25 23:39 ID:vaqb0j4U [Del]

Thank you guys for your kind words, update I’m doing better down to my last semester of school which consist of clinicals so Im just glad it’s almost over and I think I’m overcoming my anxieties that have been haunting me for so long I hope you guys are doing well.

9 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-07-26 00:51 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

Yeah all the time I just want to disappear to another place.

10 Name: Zoray : 2021-07-28 05:42 ID:gSkts4TZ [Del]

you're not alone. we're together in this dude

11 Name: Ezra : 2021-07-29 12:41 ID:sU8d90q+ [Del]

I feel you, sometimes I just want to get up and leave everything behind… just dropping dead doesn’t sound too bad either butttttt everything passes I guess. Just gotta find our purpose or place in the world, sounds so cheesy but you gotta find the beauty in the chaos, you know???
Hope you do well on your last semester/clinicals!

12 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2021-08-12 09:39 ID:wvcZbtSU [Del]

Literally every day of my life for almost the last two years. Haven't been killed yet, so I hope there's some purpose for me to still be here. I believe there's a purpose for you too, Lee. You just need to live life in a way that makes you happy and discover that purpose for yourself. Once you have it, no one can take it away from you.

13 Name: Tierd too : 2021-09-11 18:26 ID:kXS5N1sC [Del]

Yes. So tierd.
So hard to find meaning in anything or even the emotion to care. Feel like I've already lived through everything I want to live.