Dollars BBS | Personal
















Have you ever felt out of place? (3)

1 Name: Kami : 2020-01-24 23:26 ID:NjuJgzdG [Del]

So, I am 16, and since I was a kid I always felt like I was in the wrong place even with my own family, I started to notice that my mom only cared about my older sister and only called my name when it was necesary, I was too inocent at that time, that I thought it was something normal, then I got a new sister, and I was ignored even more, my mom forgot to call me for dinner and all that stuff. Now it's the same, I really enjoy playing the piano and also computers and sometimes I try to talk to my mom or dad but they don't care about it, which is different from the way they treat my sisters, then my mom started to be with me because my sisters didn't wanted to be with her, so I realized that I was only their replacement, my mom only calls me when she has no one, and I cant help but to feel sad about it. What can I do with these kind of feelings? I cant hate my mom, but I hate it.

2 Name: Milo : 2020-01-25 08:09 ID:bf1WpU1j [Del]

I know how you feel, all things considered you can't focus your parents on you. The thing I found out being the best was to lean on friends, they helped me a lot in bad times.

3 Name: Rōra !2Wd5vQlNFE : 2020-01-28 21:31 ID:vZuS41tP [Del]

Get good friends. That one kid in the back of the classroom that no one ever talks to? Talk to them. The new kid from who-knows-where? Talk to them to. Try and make them feel welcome and pretty soon you'll feel like you belong there just as much as everyone else.