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Just a rant about my parents (2)

1 Name: HaruHaru : 2019-12-27 16:29 ID:2FJ382yo [Del]

Hey guys, sorry,but I'm just here to rant again. I read all your comments from the last time I posted, and it really helped, so I'm back here again

Just for some context, I'm 20, and in University rn Im doing the majors that Ive dreamed of- and found out that they are perfect for me; Biology and Marketing. They are so different, but I really do love them both, and with those, there are so many career paths open to me.

My dad is paying for my tuition, and is basically forcing me to take chemistry in university. For those who dont know, you have to take some specific courses as requirements in order to get your degree. Chemistry, IS NOT one of my requirements, plus im awful at it.
I took it during my first year in uni, and has failed every single component of it. My final didnt look very hopeful, and after getting berated by my parents, I agreed to take it again in second year.
So here we are. I'm now in second year, taking a chem subject I DONT NEED OR WANT agian. this yeah, I was proud of myself. I had passed every single thing with an 80%, except for m midterm, which I got a 50 in, which was still really suprising. I had a whole team of people helping me, tutoring me, and in the end, I was so proud. My final however was hell. I ended up failing it, and it caused me to fail the entire course by 8%. I was devistated, cuz failing a subject meaned my GPA tanked.

This is especially not good, cuz my dad made me sign a contract that if I do not get a 3.0 GPA every semester, I would be disowned and kicked out of the house. Thanks to chem, my GPA is a whopping 2.3 (he doesnt know that). After he asked me for my grades, he was furious and demanded that I take chem AGAIN.

Now, there is a huge problem with this. Because I did well on all areas of the course except for the final, MY FINAL WOULD BE WORTH 78% OF MY FINAL GRADE. I am awful with tests, and a course weighted that much on the final guaruntees me a fail.
My dad basically refuses to listen to me, saying its an excuse. Fun fact about my degree: even if I take first year chem and pass, I would still be ineligible for medical and pharmacy based courses, cuz IM A FREAKING BIO STUDENT, NOT A CHEM ONE.

He keeps going on this tangent on how I'm ruining my life by not taking chem, but it literally doesn't open any oppertunity for me.

I'm a jack of all trades, but chemistry and math based subjects is just somthing I'm awful at, and by not taking chem, I'm limiting my career path apparently. I have skills in litterally every other field both acedemic and skill based ones, and somehow, to him, not taking a course that I'm ineligible for as per the rules to my degree, ruins my life and causes me to be homeless.
Thank you for listening to my rant. I can't wait till the day comes when I graduate, get a job, and succeed in life so well, that I prove him wrong.

TL;DR: dad forces his 20 yr old child to do subjects she hates/isnt good at, to make himself feel better.

2 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-12-28 23:27 ID:IL6HI1qv [Del]

You're an adult and obviously you know better for yourself.
You need to have a discussion with him for a final try to get him to understand. Bring up that even with all your efforts, it's not a subject you understand, and is therefore hurting your GPA. Tell him that it's not required for your degree AT ALL and that by retaking it again and again, that will take away slots for other classes that you DO need and may cause you to not be able to graduate on time. Which would mean you need more semesters, which costs more money. Point out that chemistry will not help you in any way and note that it has only served to hurt you so far, not only your grade, but your relationship with your father by him demanding it.
If talking to your dad doesn't help, talk to your academic advisor about the situation. If necessary, you could just tell your dad that there's no way to fit it in your schedule again and that your academic advisor couldn't do anything to fix that (have your advisor in on this, just in case your dad calls to complain).
This is YOUR future that this education is for, not his, so he should not be in control of it, especially since you're an adult capable of making your own damn decisions. Him paying for tuition is a generous act, not a way to force you to do things, and he needs to understand that.
And lastly, don't fuck up your path due to someone else's demands, even if it's your family. Do things for YOU. You'll only regret in the future giving in to make others happy by making yourself miserable.