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For people who need to get stuff off their chest. (2)

1 Name: Anon : 2019-12-23 04:15 ID:0/7+ql2N [Del]

I'll start.

I am constantly tortured by the fact that if I am ever honest with myself, or mention my problems to people, somehow they take offense to it and hate me, on top of this I am so apathetic towards life in general that I cannot come up with a logical reason for why suicide wouldn't be more enjoyable, all the while I have to fight not to stay composed since I am so emotionally broken I fall asleep every night curled in a ball sobbing, and even thinking about trying to talk to a professional about it throws me into an anxiety attack.

To anyone else with problems they have no one to tell about, here you go, a thread for you to vent and get it off your chest, and hey, maybe we can help eachother.

2 Name: Louis Picker : 2019-12-23 12:21 ID:Gyn36SHg (Image: 340x400 jpg, 42 kb) [Del]

src/1577125282913.jpg: 340x400, 42 kb
I'd like to tell you that every single person on Earth have thought of suicide, but most of them brush off the thought because of religious purposes, ones they love, or remind themselves of motivational ideas.
I, personally, am not the best person to speak, but as you can call it, I'm a delusional person. I believe something great will happen to me, something great will happen in my life. Because if I think of it, if nothing special happens to me, then what difference do I make from other people? Why am I not born later or previously? Reincarnation is not mentioned in my religion, I'd like not to speak about religion, but the idea of reincarnation despite not being proved by religion, I beleive it is true. I belive that I have lived before on Earth. I usually search for some extraordinary reasons why I exist. Luckily, I forget about the negative thoughts. There are a lot of secrets perhaps we might not know about. The more books and novels you read, the more your brain unlocks towards these possibilities. So why not? Is what I believe. As you can see, I'm waiting. In my opinion what you should really do is to pinpoint why are you anxious, and in my opinion, that is because if a fear you have that you don't want to admit you do. Locate what makes you sad, anxious furious, and scared. You'll find the answer at the back of your hand I believe.