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Just to rant (7)

1 Name: MIKAN : 2019-12-13 08:48 ID:cLeaLxJA [Del]

SO.. I'm on the verge of failing my university course. I'm currently in shock and want to cry in a hole somewhere. Maybe Japan if I'm not broke. I need a few more points to pass. 5. My final replaces the lowest but im still scared. i have two low scores 28 and a 46. If i don't pass. I lose my scholarship and have to retake the course and cant take classes until June. AHHHHHH

2 Name: 27_1071875 : 2019-12-17 14:38 ID:5J12BV4f [Del]

>>1 oh shed. u should study harder..

3 Name: Bioburn : 2019-12-17 20:10 ID:9VfXDMUE [Del]

C's get Degrees.
D's count as passing but you need a 2.0 Average to graduate

Sauceu ha ore da

4 Name: Momo : 2019-12-17 20:17 ID:KlnNT0UN [Del]

honestly...emailing your professor can go a long way. but best of luck!

5 Name: Kairos : 2019-12-18 01:38 ID:ahBxRE3m [Del]

What is the course ou are taking? Maybe we can help?

To be honest, I know the feeling, but Bioburn has a very valid point.

Where ever you are, good luck!

6 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-12-18 12:46 ID:S4IMfwS0 [Del]

I was in the same situation for one of my courses. Was on the verge of failing and the (optional) final would replace our lowest midterm grade.
Honestly, at that point, all there is to do is study your ass off for that final. That's what I did. Spent two days before the final reading through the textbook, retaking notes, and going over the previous exams. It paid off. Got an 84% on the final and passed the class!

But also... failing one class won't ruin everything. I failed a class my first semester and I was terrified that I'd lose my scholarships and not be able to continue my education. That didn't happen. If your GPA falls under what the scholarships require, they give you a cushion semester to bring it back up, I've learned. Things happen. They try to understand. You'll be fine, just try harder next time around. And personally, it was very satisfying to have to go from a 32% (F) the first time I took the course to a 90% (A) when I retook it. Obviously don't wanna retake a course again, but it was a great learning experience for me when I failed that class.

Some courses do require a C to pass, though, as was the case with the one I almost failed, cause I had a D before the final.

7 Name: Yev : 2019-12-20 22:43 ID:YAFY9/Bj [Del]

>>6 is right about the 'cushion' term. I'm on a probation term right now after doing pretty poorly last semester. It's just about finding the motivation to reach out and ask for help if you need any.

It just sucks that it took me three years of university to figure that out.