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struggles (2)

1 Name: merie : 2019-12-11 16:28 ID:APgWKQP6 [Del]

beore i reached 7th grade i didnt even care about how i looked i went out withwatever and i didnt really eat that much and i love sports so im always playing something but scince 7th grade ive been seeing myself as very big and now i even hate stepping out my house so anyone have a way to lose weight very quick? please i need help.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-12-11 22:20 ID:8FJ7gB6X [Del]

There's not really any way to safely lose weight very quickly. If you want to lose some weight in a healthy manner, it's a matter of regular exercise and a balanced diet.

I have to ask though. Are you actually overweight for your height? Because if you don't overeat and always played a lot of sports, you're probably in pretty good health. Your wording ("I've been seeing myself as very big") and the fact that your body makes you hate leaving the house makes me feel worried.

Assuming you're a minor, ask your parents if you could have a doctor's appointment, and if you can get one, then tell your doctor what you've just told us. They'll help you, and can give you better advice than some randoms on the internet could (you're definitely not the only kid they've heard this from, btw).

If you can't get a doctor's appointment, then my advice is don't go overboard with trying to lose weight. Again, assuming you just finished 7th grade, your body needs the nutrients especially when you're still going through puberty. It's normal to see some weight gain during puberty, because your body needs extra energy to grow. Don't be too critical of yourself, because you're not a finished project. And I promise there aren't nearly as many critical eyes on you as you think when you go outside.