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I need a way (3)

1 Name: Rabbit : 2019-12-03 20:02 ID:dPtmCF9w [Del]

Hello, I’ve been having more anxious breakdowns in the pass month or so due to school and pressure. I’ve been trying to find ways of dealing with it, but they don’t seem to work well, so I was looking for suggestions on how to deal with this kind of stuff.

2 Name: Bioburn!u/kPh/v4jQ : 2019-12-05 00:47 ID:9VfXDMUE [Del]

I'm going to start by saying a lot of the things that troubled my mind and affected my mental conditions in school stemmed from my own laziness. That's just my self evaluation. I will never not be a lazy person. However I also have a stem degree so, no one's ever a lost cause. Note, whenever I say school, I'll be referring to college.

I adopted a way of thinking that minimized stress. It's simple, just stop worrying about things. Consider any problem you might have.
Can you do anything about it?
Yes -> no reason to worry about it
No -> no reason to worry about it

Of course, if you lack discipline this approach has a lot of problems. You may just give up on every problem.

In school whenever I was running short on time to finish an assignment, I would just be okay with turning in whatever I had. It didn't necessarily mean I didn't try my best. Sometimes I procrastinated hard to avoid the stress(that was caused by my own laziness). Sometimes I just decided to not do the assignment at all. I was okay with just barely passing. Heck for some less important classes I would guarantee a 70% for my grade and just stop doing work for the rest of the quarter.

I felt a lot of pressure from family as well. I definitely couldn't meet their expectations. But I just kept quiet about any issues and decided at the very least that I would get my degree. You don't have to perform perfectly.

I guess what I'm getting at is, you need to evaluate yourself. Where is the pressure coming from and what is it? What are your obstacles? Are they internal or external?
How could you get over these obstacles?

For me, it was the pressure of getting good grades and being a perfect student. My main obstacle was not being able to understand the course materials enough. Why was this? Because I was too lazy to study and work. I'd rather play videogames and have fun with friends. I didn't really ever get over my laziness, but I stopped worrying about things that couldn't be helped. That helped a lot with the stress, but at the same time I knew that if I didn't at least try, I'd get nowhere.

There's a quote that I can never remember anymore, but the feeling I get from it is like, Did you do your best? Are you satisfied with the amount of effort you put in?

This response wasn't exactly rushed, but I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words. So I feel a lot is missing and a lot might be misrepresented.

3 Name: Bioburn!u/kPh/v4jQ : 2019-12-05 01:07 ID:9VfXDMUE [Del]

I've found the quote I was looking for by digging deep in my facebook conversations from 2015

"Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?"

Number 4.