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My Past is Affecting My Present and Future (2)

1 Name: Xander : 2019-11-06 16:34 ID:hIiIERnY [Del]

Brief story about me is that I tried so desperately to be the cool kid. The popular one. Not because I wanted. But because I felt pressure from my family to do so. However I knew that wasn’t me and instead I enjoyed my time with my 3 friends watching anime, playing video games, etc. But I tried to be the cool kid just to alleviate the pressure from my family but this lead to making my life worse. I was bullied a lot and never stood up for myself or said no. I was taken advantage of a lot. Up until a year and a half ago I finally accepted myself and stopped trying to be cool and cut all the negative people out of my life.
However, now that I’m 25, my opportunities for doing what I want to do are becoming so slim to the point where I’m on the verge of quitting my dream since I feel it’s too late. If I started years back I may have made it but now I feel I have to just accept my losses. I also constantly think about all the times I’ve been taken advantage of and get so angry at not only the toxic people but also myself for allowing it.

How can I stop letting my past dictate who I am today?

2 Name: Mediocre : 2019-11-07 09:44 ID:K19foyTm [Del]

Same here, bud! Same here.
My mom was always obsessed with me being popular. Forced me into every sport, literally took anime away from me in High School, forced me to hang out with my popular neighbor and be her friend (She went along with it because tbh she was really sweet), so I missed out on being myself a lot. However my difference is that I followed my dream, I said "screw you" to my parents wanting me to become a nurse and went to Art school. Whiiiich in the end, wasn't really worth it. Low paying jobs are coming out of it, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt... But I did find some awesome friends.

What I'm trying to get at is, yes, you should obviously stop letting your past DICTATE who you are today... but DO let it LEAD you in to who you will become. It's a lesson, a stepping stone. Figure out your dream, and chase it... if it's reasonable. Make sure you don't risk everything, like I did. I'm comfortable where I'm at, honestly, so chasing my dream wasn't completely negative... but you never know.
Just stay on your feet. That's all you need to worry about. Make new friends. Be who you are.