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I still can't move on (3)

1 Name: Mirror : 2019-11-06 08:14 ID:jrxFMJsr [Del]

I just lost a friend from suicide recently. Well, not exactly a friend, just an acquaintance.

Still, I wonder if I could've made a difference had I reached out to him before. He deactivated his social media a few days before his death which was really a red flag, I wanted to try talking to him but was too awkward to do so because I wasn't close to him at all (like we just know each other's name and all, but we've never really talked).

I really regret not reaching out to him.

And now, some of my suicidal friends keep having sudden bouts of depression. I just keep panicking and crying due to the thought that whatever I do, I might not really be helpful to them at all and I'll lose them.

I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of this anxiety that I might suddenly lose someone in a blink of an eye and I wasn't even able to do anything.

2 Name: Mirror : 2019-11-06 09:51 ID:+lKyXOb0 [Del]

I just learned that today is the 40th day since his passing. Might be why I'm feeling extra down today.

3 Name: Mediocre : 2019-11-06 14:05 ID:K19foyTm [Del]

I'm going through something similar. Had gone through it before. Will probably go through it again.... and it's tough. It really is. But! When people say "it's not your fault", it's literally not. There's nothing you could have done. The most recent suicide in my life was my ex's best friend. They were inseperable, and because of that I had to be tight with the friend too. And when I say inseperable, I mean THEY were practically the ones dating, even though they were two VERY straight dudes. Lived together, did everything together, told eachother everything... But it still came as a suprise when he comitted suicide. It shook me too, like you, to the point where I was like "what if I talked to him more?" But, I learned it wouldn't have mattered. He was in a dark place, and not even his best friend could get him out. Sometimes that's just how it is.
So I'll tell you what you CAN do. You CAN reach out to families that are hurting. Sign up for a suicide prevention walk. Talk to people... Just put yourself out there. It's an epidemic that needs to be addressed. Help address it. You'll make a difference that way, guarunteed.

Be proactive, don't dwell on the tragedies that have passed. :) Mourn and move on.