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When do you give up on something? (4)

1 Name: Valk : 2019-08-22 18:07 ID:nogH9Npp [Del]

When do you just up and call it quits on something? I’m trying to pursue a personal goal of mine but after nearly 2 years it just doesn’t seem to be working out no matter what I do. I still enjoy it somewhat but at the same time if I’m not going anywhere with it I feel there is no point in continuing. It even gets me depressed knowing that there are people out there that put less time and effort than me and are succeeding. Even when I try and study what they do it doesn’t work out for me. I feel like I’m going to quit.

When do you just give up?

2 Name: MarchiBaby : 2019-08-23 14:35 ID:E6OxeNmv [Del]

NEVER give up. let go. you will know when to let go. Whatever the situation is, college i assume? You need to know that if you try harder you will find a path. talk to someone who went through the same thing. talk to advisers. utilize the people you have around you. if anything take a break. see how you feel afterwards.

i hope this helps somewhat. if u ever wanna chat my insta is the same as my username.

3 Name: Greyscale : 2019-08-23 22:16 ID:e5xmP413 [Del]

That answer is pretty much entirely dependent on you. One method is to list out all the pros and cons of continuing, and if there are more pros for you, then think if it’s worth it to you to keep going. If there are more cons, think about if it’s worth it to you to quit. Just know that other people’s success has nothing to do on whether or not you will succeed too. The fact that you are working so hard for something is a little inspiring, but also don’t feel pressured to keep going. And also what MarchiBaby said, talk to people around you, and get advice from multiple sources. I believe in you, for whatever choice you make.

4 Name: Valk : 2019-08-30 07:50 ID:hIiIERnY [Del]

So after giving it some thought I decided to quit. It’s boxing btw and once my contract ends in December, I decided not to renew it. The payoff just isn’t there and I just don’t like comparing myself to the people that zoom past me with no effort, so it’s better for me to just call it a day and forget about it. Thanks for the advice guys.