Dollars BBS | Personal
















Is my singing that lame? Spoiler: Yea (3)

1 Name: Fatass : 2019-07-31 17:48 ID:v/Ort52K [Del]

So this is when I was still schooling and me and my friends (I'm not in contact with them anymore) went to a karaoke bar and I was so like excited to sing the songs i prepared to sing but when I got to see the song list, NONE of the songs I wanted to sing was there (sad but this isn't part of what i'm gonna tell) so I chose a song that's been on the radio for like months and when it was my turn to sing, I sang like I was tryna be like any other famous emotional singers out there (I cannot sing that well so I just imitate how they sing) and I was also having some fun but something just... bothered me. I think I may be sensitive but I think it's kinda true... While I was singing I was aware that two of my friends weren't paying attention to me... I know I sound like I want to be the center of attention but maybe I am but maybe half of part of me feel like I just want to be acknowledge by my friends that i'm having fun... or maybe they just know that i'm having a blast and decided to not disturb (Sure, A lot of people must've agreed on that my friends weren't trying to ignore but...)but I was sneaking glances at them to see if they're watching me and they were just looking at the song lists (They could've been busy searching for a song next but at that time I felt something off) and when my song end, i watch as my other friend sang her song and my other friend kept her attention on her and she was like amazed by how she can sing like a popstar and I just play along and compliment her too (I did it to not look like I was jealous, but I wasn't actually jealous at all, I just felt... left behind) and then it was my third's friend's turn and when she sang my second friend was also giving her the most attention and was giving her praises (Well they both sang really well, ngl) and then it was the fourth friend's turn. She was a girl which people think she is annoying (Well actually i'm the annoying one to my close friends, but i'm a burden to people who i'm not familiar with) and I don't think I remember her even singing... But I knew one thing i've learned after I left them... Suck it. When someone else is better than you, face it, you suck. So I decided to train myself in singing... but I can't just go back in time and have that karaoke outing with my friends when I have trained myself to become better at singing, I predict that I would still get ignored even if I sang good (maybe it's because of my personality, who knows. )

2 Name: PsIch0 : 2019-08-01 03:30 ID:elBVlArB [Del]

Nah, Your friends just suck tbh

3 Name: Kuudere !nDs1lC1ZZc : 2019-08-13 05:15 ID:HmpiIhFF [Del]

They should be paying attention to you and not ignoring you regardless of how well you sing. They're not being supportive, and any level of pop star singing can't help that.

Training yourself in singing seems like a good idea if you want to improve, but don't do it to gain their approval. You're absolutely right in the thought that you'll probably still be ignored no matter how you sing; your singing is not the problem here.