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I need someone to talk to. (6)

1 Name: Avian : 2019-07-15 19:13 ID:kv/dAbT8 (Image: 820x668 jpg, 150 kb) [Del]

src/1563236036972.jpg: 820x668, 150 kb
Let me start by saying, I'm glad to see this community is still active. Have you ever felt stuck? I don't just mean stuck, I mean like nothing is going to get better. I'm 22, ex military, paying for college on my own, broke, drowning in payments and am a business owner. I feel like I have a bigger purpose in life, but I don't know how to find it, and I feel like I am consistently staying in place, watching people that are damn near robotic catch speed, and be more successful. Can anyone give me advice on what to do? The only time I really feel happy is when I'm on the net, or practicing my computer skills. I'm going down the path to get all the certs I need to be successful as well, but, I don't quite know what's keeping me from going out there and getting a good IT job. I just want some excitement I guess is all lol. Any advice on what to do?

2 Name: EDMM : 2019-07-16 00:41 ID:A2HEvnkv [Del]

Not from the US I'm guessing?

3 Name: Avian : 2019-07-16 09:46 ID:rVKduCpc [Del]

I am from the US actually EDMM

4 Name: Lily : 2019-07-16 22:48 ID:h1lY5Quu [Del]

I don't think I'm qualified to really give advice but here goes.

Will your success really be all that fulfulling? Must you earn more to no longer be "stuck"? If the only time you feel happy is when your on the net and practicing computer skills then why not focus your future career on that? But of course there's many ruotes to go from that. Perhaps you want to pass on your skills or maybe you just want to aquire more knowledge.There's also the issue of sustainability, I say earn enough to survive ($30k average for a single American) and then do what you like if you can't switch careers.

But if you simply want some excitement, why not face your greatest fear?

5 Name: Takume Kitsune : 2019-07-23 19:26 ID:bzhGHX78 [Del]

If you're ex U.S. military why aren't you using your G.I. bill to pay for college? That's of of the few tangible benefits you really retain after service. Coming from a family of servicemen&women, it sounds as if your either dishonorably discharged or worse lying about your service. Stolen valor is seriously crummy thing for a person to do. And being 22 you'd have just finished your active duty which means youd be on inactive still. You'd have access to counseling and other services to help you. How are you even a business owner this soon after your service?

6 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2019-07-30 00:33 ID:dK4OuWpc [Del]

'Having a purpose in life' only serves to make most people miserable.
It's a wishy-washy dream that seems harmless at first but erodes at your self-esteem when you fail to find that purpose.

If you feel like you have a purpose, hooray to you. Otherwise, it's just the way it is.