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Is anyone out there truly disconnected? (1)

1 Name: anonymous f : 2019-07-11 04:52 ID:66lGnXqn [Del]

I mean this in a significant way, at heart, you could say, as we obviously live in an interconnected world, with it being impossible or unoptimal to truly be separated from everything and everyone.

When it comes to family, friends, acquiantances, coworkers, do you feel tied to any of them? Are you unable to separate yourself from them, or will always end up coming back? Could you leave them all, leave every single person you’ve met or known, and live the rest of your life without ever interacting with them or even knowing anything about their future lives, ever again?

What about your situation and interests? Are you committed to something? Have you already made up your mind about a passion, goal or interest, that you know you’ll never separate yourself from? Are you rooted down or in a situation where you won’t be able to leave, attached to it? Are you of a mentality that will never truly change?

It seems that most things are up to luck/fate/higher power, depending on your beliefs. Who we meet and know, what interests we discover or pursue on whims, it’s all matters of chance and order. With something like love, for most people it’s just the first person we meet that fulfills a certain role. These people commit early, and later it might get ugly, but even if they stay committed they might miss out on the person they were meant to be with, simply because they met the other first.

So, I ask you, are any of you disconnected? Do any of you wish to be? Are any of you trying to put/keep yourself in a flexible position so that you would be ready when the time comes? We as humans are weak and can’t survive on our own, so taking this path can often lead to loneliness, depression, emptiness, hopelessness. We feel guilty for using people we aren’t close do, but don’t have anyone we really would want to be tied to. We live in the dark, trying to make the most sense of what we can see, but we’ll never know the right decisions to make.

If someone out there is like this, trying to stay flexible, being emotionally disconnected from everyone they know. If you’re trying to see clearly, not focused on short term happiness but hoping to find or do something of great significance. Then let please reply. I’m not going to say that I’m going to be what you’re looking for, but rather, I hope to be equals after the same thing. We would be on the same level and be disconnected from one another, to help us through the earlier stages of life until we find that something. Things get complicated when you’re alone, but also with the wrong people, so the idea is to be people who can survive together so we at least don’t have to be alone. We can mutually use each other, and feel know guilt as we would both be aware of what the other is, and it would all be equal.

I don’t plan on rushing anything. We’d message first and get to understand one another, our positions and way of thinking. Maybe we pick up a hobby/interest, or do something together online. After a while, and after being certain, only then would we do something. It might take a couple years or longer, it’s hard to say. The end goal is to live together, or live close. If money’s an issue, then I can be the one to move. I’ve been in a position for something like this for a while. But I can’t stress enough that this isn’t going to be a quick thing or simple whim. We have to play it safe and do it right, or not at all. It’s unlikely that something will come of this, but I want to leave this out there just in case someone’s really there.

I want to add one last thing. Many people reading this might relate to certain aspects, but don’t be fooled or hasty. This is something only for those truly committed to this lifestyle and way of thinking. This isn’t something for just anyone.

And if you’re wondering, I’m 23 and male. If you feel any other factors are important at this time then let me know, but I will be much more open after we start communicating privately, so I can tell you anything else then.

Thank you for reading and I’m sorry for wasting your time if I did.