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Am I wrong? (3)

1 Name: Nothing : 2019-07-02 09:40 ID:5Fwl0eCf [Del]

I have two sisters. One older by two years and the other is younger by twelve years; I'm the middle child. Our parents separated just a month after the youngest was born because mother couldn't bear the abuse by our father anymore. She left us with our father who doesn't have a single idea on how to raise a child. Since he don't know what to do, he gave the youngest to our grandmother and let her take care of her until she's five.

Now to the present, the youngest of our family is now living with us. But the thing is, SHE'S SPOILED. She shouts and glare at us (me and my older sister) if we don't do anything she told us to do. She won't eat anything unless it's junk food or chocolate and only drinks juice. No water at all.

Our father just let her do whatever she wanted.

I am really worried not just for her health but also because I'm afraid this attitude of her will continue until she grow up.

Then this happened. She's playing with her friends inside our room (we share) because father is drinking in the living room with his guests. After they finished playing, THEY JUST LEFT THEIR TOYS ON THE GROUND. I told her to keep her things but did she listen? No! She just glared at me and went outside with her tablet.

I got mad, obviously. I always tell her to keep her toys after playing or else I'll throw all of her toys. She never did, not even once.

What I did was snapped her dolls (I removed the limbs) and threw it outside. I then told her to get inside the room and clean the remaining toys in the floor or else I'll throw like what I just did with her dolls.

Then father walked in. He got mad at me, saying that I am in no place to discipline her.

I don't know what I am supposed to do. I can clearly remember than mother used to discipline us the same way. Where did I go wrong? Am I too harsh? Did I go too far?

2 Name: Luna : 2019-07-03 21:08 ID:KUk9xVle [Del]

You didn't go too far, maybe with the doll snapping poor doll. Need to maybe if possible have a sit down with the whole family and calmly talk about the issue. If your little sister keeps getting spoiled like that it is a real issue because it will affect her especially when it comes to holding a job. No boss cares about what you want its do the job or be fired which will happen to her if she keeps with the attitude. If talking to your dad does not work outside help might. Maybe talking to the grandparents or someone that can help. There is always a way. I'm an older sister and my parents spoiled her even if she doesn't think so. I will always tell her how it is, I don't sugar coat it. Sure we fight, we are sisters. Only thing is I will put my stern voice look at her seriously and keep calm. If there are shouts, yelling or anything like that I wait til she is done and continue. Maybe raise my voice a little to be heard. At least for my experience. I hope I help out even if for a little.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-07-03 23:21 ID:J2l11dSf [Del]

Your father would have clearly preferred if you report the incident to him. He'd like you to have told him that you told your sibling to pick up their toys, and that she ignored your instructions. From there, he could've handled how he saw fit.

You might fear for your sister because of their behavior, and how you're used to seeing it handled. But again, it's something you need to bring up to your father. Express your concerns, make it sincere, and explain that you don't like to feel this way.