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Which University (4)

1 Name: Cheesecake : 2019-05-22 22:55 ID:ztvn5Yqd [Del]

Good Day!
I sincerely apologize for the incorrect grammar and usage of some sentences and words.
So, I'm an upcoming freshman in College, would love to pursue anything about medicine. Here's the problem I'm facing right now: Which university I'm going and officially enrolling into:
1st University
- This first University I passed on is where my dream course is, according to most people, this kind of college program that is considered to be the best pre-med course. At first, I don't like the institution considering it's not that well-known, but when I had a series of errands and papers to fill out as my "back-up school" for my dream university, I started to appreciate the campus and it's facilities. I recently found out that this institution is an emerging one since they recently, had alot of topnotchers in most Licensure Examinations. Another information on this Institution is that it belongs to a group of schools in the world that is known to have state-of-the-art facilities and green environment for a fulfilling learning.

2. 2nd University
This second university is my dream school. Sad to say, I failed to answer the exam back then in a serious way because I was bullied bt isolation by my peers. Recently, this University send me a mail saying that I was qualified on a program within their University but not my dream course itself. I had an inquiry from some of the medical colleges that I really want in the university, sadly, I have to wait for 2 years for me to take their shifting exam. To be honest, I find it hard to shift in another program considering that it would be a huge waste of money from my parents.
Which do you think is much practical?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-25 00:43 ID:rAbAzYar [Del]

Hi - upcoming 2nd year in college, also on the pre-med track. :)

Personally, I would go for the 1st university. Even just your tone in describing it sounds more interested in it, and it's a lot easier to do well when you're happy to be there. I keep being told about this term "fit" concerning medical schools. You have to think about whether the school is the right fit for your personality and learning style. If the 1st university has the program you want, then I'd sooner go for that.

Having to wait 2 years for Uni 2 doesn't seem quite as practical to me, especially because you'd have to rely on acing the exam when you take it next. And if going to Uni 1 saves you money now, that's great– more opportunity to save for medical school or other expenses in the long run.

I wouldn't worry too much about the prestige or popularity of the university you go to. From what I'm told, prestige will help you get your first job, but after that, experience helps a good deal. What matters is the quality of education you receive there - and from what you've said, Uni 1 sounds like a good place to be as any.

But that's just my opinion. Really, you just have to go with your gut. If you want to be a doctor, you will get there eventually regardless of the path you take.

My advice if you do wind up going for Uni 2 and taking those 2 gap years: if you can, try to find a healthcare-related job or internship. I know many students who've taken gap years to train & work as an EMT or something similar.

If an anecdote would help, then I've got one– if not, feel free to ignore this last paragraph lol.

I actually was in a somewhat similar situation before entering college. I applied to one of the top universities here in the States and was accepted as a student, but not by their 8-year medical program. I loved the school regardless, but it would've been a LOT of money to attend. I was also accepted to another school that I lowkey hated at first, but after I interviewed for their 8-year program, I liked it more. In the end, I chose School 2, almost entirely because it would save my parents money. It took a few weeks at School 2 to get over my dream school, but now I'm completely happy with my choice. I did have a feeling that it would work out in the end, but I didn't expect to be this happy with it!

3 Name: [kanenas] : 2019-05-25 05:00 ID:NRSgkgO+ [Del]

As a person who has gone thru all that sh*t I have to tell you that the "name" of the university actually doesn't really matter. What matters is if you are fit for the job. The name of the university or your grades don't make you fit for the job but your motivation, experience and will to help sick people. No matter the uni, if you like the course you are learning and you are actually interested in it, it will make you fit for the job.

What is more important for your studies is not the name of the institution but the course, the teachers, your colleagues and the campus. Many people neglect the importance of the campus but believe me, it is quite important since you will live there for some time. Also, I belive you will have a roommate which can be an amazing experience but it will depend on the roommate.

Also, by my understanding you seem to be from the USA (please correct me if I'm wrong). The USA has a lot of issues with too expensive colleague/uni tuitions and overpriced textbooks (specially in the medical field) so I would check which university has the lower tuition.

As for the second institution - 2 years are too much to wait in order to get your dream course so I wouldn't even bother to deal with it.

Follow your dreams and eventually you will get the dream job. No matter the school you studied.

I hope this makes sense.

4 Name: Cheesecake : 2019-05-28 07:43 ID:ztvn5Yqd [Del]

Thank you guys, I learned alot from your replies, even though we don't share the same country 😊