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To all the men... (7)

1 Name: Anonymous Ladybug : 2019-05-20 07:46 ID:rNQt/1hd [Del]


So recently I’ve started to look into feminism and what it really means, now I’m only more confused. Half of them say it’s equality for all genders, the other half define it as advocating for women’s rights.

Now I want to talk about the males of the population. Whoever thought ‘if it’s equal for females then it’s equal for males’ is gullible, because there are things that are bigger problems for men than women and vice versa. So now that I think about it, I wanna hear men’s problems. Don’t mind the ones who think you’ve got it all.

What is something that you find somewhat unfair to the male population? Or maybe something that you feel should have more attention and awareness of?

2 Name: anon : 2019-05-20 21:15 ID:55Ti3Lh8 [Del]

The bullying of the male population isnt talked about and needs to be heard.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-21 11:44 ID:rAbAzYar [Del]

Male victims of rape, sexual assault, and harassment aren't taken nearly as seriously. Adult women predating on underage guys aren't condemned as harshly as adult men predating on underage girls.

4 Name: [kanenas] : 2019-05-24 15:29 ID:JYMBw3dK [Del]

I think that toxic masculinity is a very big issue. And also the fact that males in most countries are required to take part in the army regardless of their will.
Also bullying on males is not seen as serious as when victoms are females. I can not even count how many times I have been a victim of harrassment/ bullying and have been told to "man up"by adults who I have asked for help. The result was that I nearly killed my self and probably if I did, I would have been labeled as "a pussy" for doing so and so on and so on.

Ah yeah, there is also this "rape" thing and stereotype basically stating that "men can't be raped" which isn't really true.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-25 19:55 ID:InRfqge3 [Del]

Most of the young folks on here talk about 'mens' issues and 'womens' issues from a sociological prospective. There's nothing inherently wrong about it so long as people realize it's a perspective for a reason. There's many ways in which problems occur, and if you genuinely care about this I suggest paying close attention to what people say. It's very convenient to say that "women's products are more expensive than men's, therefore there exists a systemic sexism in the market place" if you pertain to a group that advocates for women's rights, but if you really care about problem solving, and really trying to equalize opportunity across the board. The worst thing you can do is fixate on that sort of group based mentality.

It's very wise that you're being inquisitive of a group that's predisposed to being beneficial towards you. As for some advice from an anon:
Pay close attention and try and figure out if when people talk about their thoughts if they think of people in terms of groups or as individuals. Always remember that thinking in terms of an individual is the foundation of democracy as a whole. If they think of people in terms of groups you better watch out, because we as people have thousands of years of torment and genuine slaughter based around that idea. Best of luck in your philosophical endeavors anon

6 Name: Izaya_ : 2019-05-30 04:02 ID:RU9/DCZr [Del]

boy oh boy

False Rape accusations , "divorce rape " ( man needs to pay alimony and child support )

social standarts ( that are non existend for woman , she can be fat or watever and is considered pretty )

social media / social praise ( woman are always complimented , and dont need to tryhard to get by , man dont )

Hypergamy ( woman choose who they want to fuck and who dont , man need to meet ridiculous standarts to be able to do so ( looks money status )

Man let womans choose because their etiher cucked , or to thirsty , and woman saw that , that they themselfs dont need to do shit to fuck , so woman became entitled and now man are sexually frustrated all over the place and or depressed.

No or way less productivity pressure ( woman dont need to do shit and are still gettign positive reinforcement left and right even if their neets , dont worky or are straight out Husslers ala Sluts ) ,

man on the other hand are shamed till oblivion if he aint working hard or dosnt meet societal standarts ( that only count for man anyways )

theres much more , but woman have ti by far easier then man , deny me if you dont like or shame me if thats all you can do , but theres enough evidence

Its not a coincidence Suicide Rates for males are much Higer then for woman

7 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-05-31 16:29 ID:bhnUydFN [Del]

>>2, >>3, and >>4 bring up very great points. >>6 had a good one to start with, but the rest are either iffy or just bullshit, which makes me think he only socializes online

As a whole, women face more struggles in life, especially in third world countries. But this doesn't mean that men's issues should be ignored! Equality should mean both issues are taken care of with the same importance.

To answer OP's question, here's a list (of which some points have already been mentioned in the thread):

"Only women can be victims and only men can be perpetrators":

• Male victims are taken less seriously. Whether it's bullying, assault, rape, whatever, people will tend to either see the man as weak or side with the woman (if one was involved).

• If a woman was behind the bullying, assault, rape, etc. people may side with her and claim the man was lying, because obviously a woman wouldn't do such evil things (sarcasm, if you can't tell).

• False rape accusations. Because the idea is woman = victim, people will take rape accusations without evidence and not second guess it at all. This is actually bad for both parties because it makes it harder to believe women who are actually victims of rape and it also ruins the life of an innocent man.

Toxic masculinity:

• Men "shouldn't be emotional". Women are encouraged to be open and share their emotions with each other which helps their mental health. Men, however, are made to keep everything locked up, which can ruin a person mentally. This can lead to severe mental illnesses and suicide. This is a large factor of why male suicide rates are higher.

• Men are expected to not get help. If they get help, they're "not a true man". This causes men to not get help for any mental health issues they may have and they'll continue to silently struggle. This could also cause them to not seek out treatment for physical injuries or illness, which is very obviously not a good thing. If you need help, you need help. There shouldn't be anything shameful about it.

• Men shouldn't be shy, nervous, or insecure. Bullshit. Men have varied personalities. There is no right or wrong personality for a man to have.

Body image:

• Men also have body issues. Looking at magazines and advertisements, the "ideal" man is supposed to be macho. However, this isn't possible for all men to achieve, no matter how much effort they put into it.

• Eating disorders aren't just a woman thing. Many men also suffer from eating disorders, and it's just as serious.

• "Bigger is better". Cool, so we just want people to have body dysmorphia and lack of sexual confidence? Genital size shouldn't matter! Men shouldn't be ashamed of their size!


• Men can't like "girly" things or else they're just creeps. If women can enjoy wrestling and explosions, why can't men like dolls and the color pink? People just like what they like. A man with feminine interests isn't any less of a man.

• Men can't dress feminine. Woman can have short hair and wear pants. So why does society say a man can't have long hair, can't wear makeup, can't wear skirts or dresses? Anyone should be able to dress however they want. Like, have any of you guys ever worn a skirt??? It's so freeing, and I wish we could wear them in public without weird looks.


• In child custody cases, the father will often lose his child even if the mother is abusive as all hell and can't actually support the child.

• Raising their own kids is seen as "babysitting". The father plays just as important as a role in the child's upbringing as the mother. They're a parent, not a babysitter.

• Men are looked down upon for being stay at home fathers while the mother works. Some men enjoy being the one to be with the children and take care of them. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's just a different family dynamic.

• Domestic issues are often blamed on the father, even if it's not his fault. From experience, I know that even if the kids are on dad's side, the cops will often believe the mother more.

LGBT men:

• AIDS. Seriously, the whole AIDS crisis is a tragedy. Gay and bi men get treated awfully and sometimes get denied the medical treatment they need. At the height of the crisis, these men were often just left to die.

• Bisexual men are seen as "secretly gay". No, they're bi.

• Lesbians are hot but men attracted to other men are disgusting. While the fetishization of lesbians is not acceptable, treating gay and bi men as diseases is awful, regardless of if you agree with it or not. They're still people with feelings!

(Can't think of anything specific to trans men that isn't general to all trans people)

That's pretty much all that I've got at the top of my head. There's likely more that I'm missing, but god... we need to stop ignoring these issues. If feminism is about equality, these issues should be getting more focus