Dollars BBS | Personal
















I'm disappointed (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-16 03:40 ID:K7T4vqhP [Del]

So I'm not here very often, I think I've only made 1 post some years ago before I had even graduated high school (I'm 5 years out now). Anyways,to the point, I've always been hyper sensitive to what's going on in the world,like I can feel the suffering around me and what gets me is so muich of it is unnecessary. The hatred for someone's skin color, the materialistic obsession and vanity, the poverty, the complacency, the delusions, the abuse of all but the ones in power (and not just in america, it's a worldwide problem). Worst of all the suffering of children. And that barely scratches the surface of the problem. The fact that so many go about their lives as if these problems don't exist, stuck in themselves and their own problems. And I know humans are selfish creatures, it's in our nature and I am not exempt from that. But I've always had this thought that things could be so different if we just looked outside of ourselves, that we could be so much better. How can someone have billions of dollars and have a house with 20 rooms and million dollar cars and yet there are people who dont even know where they'll sleep or how they'll even get food for themselves or their children. Just a fraction of that money could change so many lives but no. And this is a worldwide problem. And as I said, this barely scratches the surface. So way back when I found this site, this group, it gave me so much hope. Finally a group dedicated to making the world what's its supposed to be. Literally my dream come true, I had such high hopes. But as the years passed and I occasionally visited the site my hope slowly faded. The worlds not changing and if it is it's not for not better. I know one man cant change the world, but we are many, so what's stopping us? And I dont disregard the good deeds some of us do, I truly think that's great. But we as a species are at a point where we need a massive change. And I dont see that here. I think it possible but it's just not. The dollars wont change the world in our lifetime and I dont say that to be negative or a pessimist, I consider myself a realist. I dont know, I just hoped for so much more. I've already given up for the most part on this world, death will be my freedom, my peace. These are just the thoughts of the me who hoped for more, who thought we could change. But its just an endless cycle. Oh well, least the drugs are good ha we got that sorta right. Sorry for the God awful grammar. Peace to all

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-16 10:05 ID:rAbAzYar [Del]

Hey OP, I hope you're still here to read this.

I understand the frustration with the world, but taking your life isn't the answer.

I think you're right to say that Dollars will probably not solve all the problems you listed. But honestly, that really doesn't matter. We share the idea of the "Dollars" but we're individuals. And even if we aren't able to direct ourselves towards changing racism, oppression, the horrifically unenven distribution of wealth... Every drop in the bucket makes ripples. Each individual matters in the world, because each individual will make a difference, even if what they do is imperceptible to them. Not to get all cheesy with the metaphor, but you're at the center of the ripple you make, so you can't see the entire breadth of it.

Imagine how much more terrible of a place the world would be if there weren't people in it already who chose time and time again to be kind to others, who found the strength to be selfless. Even towards strangers - especially towards strangers. Some of us have got that right as well, haven't we?

Again, change starts with individuals. It's our psychology. When one person near them responds to a problem, the people who saw the problem and did nothing may start to follow.

I almost made the same mistake when I was younger - do not give up on the world. Nowadays I don't turn my eyes away from the ugliness in it, but I can still see beauty in it. I remember reading something online years ago that I've recalled at many different moments throughout my life: "Today, the world looked beautiful again. I'm starting to remember what kept me alive last summer."

Eventually, you will have moments of realization like that, too. It's probably hard to believe– I know I didn't want to believe it back then– but please, don't throw your life away.