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Boyfriend Issues | Dear Reader (6)

1 Name: Dear Reader Author : 2019-05-06 08:55 ID:bcAL7q8K [Del]

Dear Reader, My boyfriend and I planned a date on 5.5.19 (yesterday). We we're planning on going on a small coffee date. He told me he wasn't busy the whole day. So last minute he cancelled and said he totally forgot to tell me he had his sisters party. I understood but I was still a little bit annoyed. So I made plans later that day with my family. So later when i'm spending time with my family my boyfriend text me "Hey now I'm not busy let's go on our date" I told him I had already made plans with my family and he said "Ugh, now i'm so not in the mood. Nothing you did K?" I laughed at him and said "LMFAO okay sweetheart text me when your done with your piss fit. You don't have to lie to me." Then today when I saw him again he wouldn't talk to me and he said he was "tired" I think he was full of it. I don't understand why he's so upset with me. I just think its funny how he lied to me about him not being upset with me. Do you think my reaction is reasonable? Thank you for your opinions. -Author

2 Name: Raizo : 2019-05-06 14:46 ID:8ECkVjoS [Del]

Yeah I think he was just upset that you weren't available when he wanted you to be. If this is headed where I think it is it's not worth it to date someone like this. They will get more controlling as time goes on. If he wants to acts like he doesn't want to talk to you it's because he most likely just wants you to feel bad and spend more time with him but I say just let him be and move on. I don't know how old you are but I can assure you you're still young and can meet alot more people and forsure you will meet someone better fit for you.

3 Name: Rizu : 2019-05-08 06:16 ID:9uMKlieS [Del]

I think you were nowhere near reasonable.
He somehow found some time (probably by leaving the party early) and let you know he'd still like to go if you're up for it. You then, told him, you already were going out with your family. He says he's a bit down then (he was excited to see you, obviously) but made a point that it's not your fault, so you don't feel bad about it while you're spending time with your family.
You laughed off a perfectly normal and considerate response and told him you don't believe that he doesn't want you feeling bad? Really?
He's tired because he can't understand you.
He's quiet because he doesn't know how to approach you anymore.
If you're not willing to talk clearly and stop playing controlling drama games with him i'd advise you to split up.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: DRA : 2019-05-08 11:44 ID:bcAL7q8K [Del]

I disagree with Rizu a little bit. I think it's not in his place to tell me I should split up with my boyfriend. I think that this isn't a big big deal just a bump on my relationship. I think it's Bogas af that my boyfriend manipulated me by saying "Im upset but nothing you did okay?" because hes lying and I think thats bogas as hell.

6 Name: DRA : 2019-05-08 11:47 ID:bcAL7q8K [Del]

I CAN understand that not every action I made was completely responsible and reasonable. Still, I'm grateful for your comments.