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Simply asking for advice (5)

1 Name: Zera : 2019-05-03 07:37 ID:iiE9j9XY [Del]

So theres this girl- she's really cool and stuff and we became pretty good friends, and I've fallen for her. But here's the catch, she doesn't feel the same way. I poured my heart and soul into a relationship with her and with everything I tried to do for her and with her she never thought of me as anything more than a friend and it's eating at me because I've made sacrafices (that I'm not gonna get into) for our relationship but when I finally asked her out, she likes someone else she barely even knows and it's just crushing me and eating away at me and I'd like to know of a way to cope. She still wants to be friends and honestly I'm SICK AND TIRED of pushing people away and secluding myself from society. Hell, I think I'm actually losing my sanity. Please, if anyone has any advice to give, just tell me.

2 Name: Tree!N13m0ewMrQ : 2019-05-03 14:09 ID:bQYNR+o+ [Del]

Talk to other girls and don't make sacrifices. Someone should like you for you and not what they want you to be. If you want to stay friends with her, go for it. Ask her if she has any single friends and maybe you'll meet someone else available that way.

3 Name: rmshi : 2019-05-08 06:54 ID:t8+cV8/9 [Del]

I wouldn't bother with it to be honest, she obviously isn't interested and you're just going to waste time on it. The only way to get over it is to move on and meet other people. If you're happy being friends - and ONLY friends- with her then do so by all means but the last thing you want is a false relationship from someone who doesn't like you back. Also, never sacrifice things for someone if you dont know they'd do it for you. Small things that dont matter sure, but a big gesture is only a big gesture if the other person understands its worth

4 Name: Zera : 2019-05-10 07:38 ID:iiE9j9XY [Del]

Thank you for the advice :)

5 Name: Minus!1QVVzqW00. : 2019-05-15 21:18 ID:AWyAepdn [Del]

Hi Zera,
to be honest, it would be better for you to move on. She is probably taking advantage of you. Even if she isn't, is not good for you to suffer.
Be selfish, put yourself first and move on. Make yourself happy in the long term. Who knows, maybe next girl will give you so much love you never thought you could get.