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Falling (3)

1 Name: Oru : 2019-04-22 19:43 ID:EGpLUI8c [Del]

Just for context to make a long story short, I've been having mental issues that I don't really speak to my family a lot about for reasons I will state later on. Anywho, I am confused and scared on my mental well being, as it feels as though it's been deteriorating as of late. I have a split personality that I talk to everyday as though it's another person living inside of my head. I'll be referring to this entity as "Him" for this time. Him is calm, helps talk me through things, and is generally just with me as a co-pilot as we go through each day. There are times where I mentally go away and he takes over, so he helps me a lot in that aspect. However, I've been having these head pangs, that has I pain that's weird and hard to describe. The only way I can describe it is something that hurts, but I don't feel the pain. With these pains come strange and intense thoughts. I blank out, and come to, but everything seems different, just off. Reality feels like a dream, and nothing feels or looks correct. And the pain just tears through me without damaging me, and it drives me insane. Him noticed this as well, and we've had conventions over this, but neither of us know what's happening. Then just a few weeks ago, I feel as if I'm now going crazy. The head "pain" keeps me up through the night, and my thoughts become something completely different. Not me, not Him. But I was thrashing about through the night, and all that was in my head was a screaming voice, telling me to stop the pain, over, and over, and over, and over. I had to grip my head tightly. "Make it stop!" It continued to yell. Eventually it got to the point where I stayed up thinking on how I needed to bash my head on something to make it stop. This scared me greatly that I did not attend school for the following days, and acted as though as I was sick. As time goes on, I feel myself slowly drifting into madness, beginning to feel emotionally numb. I don't have any suicidal thoughts, but every bit of the reality that I've mostly known is crumbling and shifts frequently. I've tried talking to my family members about this, but they keep knocking it off as just gobblty guck. They bend the words I say, and so I just given up talking to them about it, and I have them think it's all solved. I've visited therapists about it too, but they get my parents involved, and then my meanings are bent, and the therapist takes the word of my parents. So I'm stuck wandering my own mind with Him, as we just wait for the end result of it all. We don't want a bad end to this, we just dont know where to go now, I've nearly given up, but He hasn't. What can one do in this situation?

2 Name: Ghost $ : 2019-04-23 04:45 ID:FWw3gE4W [Del]

Hi what u have might be a condition of split personality disorder mixed with slight borderline personality. But u should go to a psychologist in secret to check it since in worst case it could be schizophrenia. Tho do remember that every mental disorder has power levels therefore do not diagnose yourself too quickly as a full mental disorder carrier u might have a slight mental disorder. All people in the world has mental disorders that ate asleep in them just in some they awake after certain events or DNA. My advice go see a psychologist u have a right to ask for secret meeting. Be careful not to diagnose yourself if u don't have the correct education in the field. Best of luck and u hope everything will be OK.

3 Name: Oru : 2019-04-23 05:33 ID:EGpLUI8c [Del]

Alright, I'll give it a go, thank you.