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Dealing with breakups (4)

1 Name: JDC : 2019-04-19 10:31 ID:W2hNLk35 [Del]

Good day fellow Dollars!
Las night I broke up my 3-year relationship. I did for a lot of reasons, from lack of conversation to wanting to see other people. But the main reason was: I don't want any commitment. I'm halfway through university and completely lost in the world, and thinking about marriage (which is her plan) is completely out of question.
But damn, this hurts like hell.
I've been crying for like 12 hours now, and im not even exaggerating. I can't take my mind out of her, even though she is mature and accepted everything, with a smile on her face.
I've been thinking very bad things. The harmless ones, like spending a month away from my friends and family, to the extreme like suicide. I have no idea how to cope with this. Even though my head says its for the best, my heart's just screaming like a kid without its candy.
What do you guys do when the need to deal with grief arrives? Music? Movies? Eating a whole pot of chocolate by yourselves?

2 Name: Silva : 2019-04-19 15:34 ID:AkZEnfQf [Del]

Just accept that it was for the best and move on. I know that seems like cliched advice, and it may take longer for some than others, but that's really the best thing you can do. Try not to harbor any feelings of resentment, and just avoid negativity in general? If it helps, try to do as much as you can to place relationships and her out of your mind. Do stuff you enjoy and can get lost in, or spend lots of time with close friends in order to clear your head of negativity.

It's what worked for me. I'm not saying it's foolproof, but I hope this might help you.

Good Luck!

3 Name: Thorns : 2019-04-20 09:05 ID:asPdsNcC [Del]

I suggest listening to music that isn't about love but about getting over things (rock or rap has those) or just spending time with your friends and family, have fun together and forget whatever's stressing you.

Though I don't know if it's appropriate, there is this ongoing manhwa that you can read on where a similar situation to yours occurs. To put it briefly, the couple does break up and it is painful but they get over it because there was nothing more the relationship could offer. (You could use it for reference or something which is why I mentioned it)

4 Name: Tree!N13m0ewMrQ : 2019-04-20 22:04 ID:IdpTT/1J [Del]

Reddit. Dating apps. And moving on. It takes a while, but yeah.