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A little help, please? (3)

1 Name: The Artist that doesn't exist : 2019-04-17 09:51 ID:lF1NQ6QY [Del]

I recently started doing some portraits using ballpoint pens. It was just supposed to be a hobby but my peers liked it and asked for drawings. I agreed and decided to do it for free (probably my biggest mistake). I mean, I still think that my skills is still not enough so I just considered it as practice. We agreed that I'll do a portrait for only that day.

Now, I have this one friend who really... made me raise my eyebrow. She is one of the first person who I finished drawing. She took it home and then the next day, she asked me to draw again. I really wanted to decline. I mean, I'll do it unless she payed for it but NO! She asked me to draw it for FREE! She asked me to draw 5 INDIVIDUALS WHO I NEVER MET BEFORE FOR FREE.


I told her that and now, she acts like I don't exist.

Tell me, did I mess up? Am I supposed to take it just for the sake of saving our friendship? Is she taking advantage of me? Can I even call her my friend?

A little help, please?

2 Name: Rin!A./pWd82aQ : 2019-04-17 12:58 ID:Jo7qz13R [Del]

if she is ignoring you just bc you won't draw something from her then she wasn't really your friend </3
Me and my best friend are artists as well (and we've both have declined eachothers drawing requests multiple times)
we are still best friends so uh yeah
Don't take it if you dont want to
and if they just leave you because of that then thats good because they were just using you

3 Name: Thorns : 2019-04-18 23:41 ID:asPdsNcC [Del]

From my point of view it seems like she's using you and may be taking credit for your work but I only know as much as you told so my words hold no certainty.

If she's ignoring you then I suggest you just go up to her and ask for an explaination. Just ask her straight up what's going, if everything is ok, and make it clear that drawing is a struggle and that (if you want) the next drawings will cost money. Of course, if there is a cobflict with this then talk it out then and there (unless the situation intensifies to an unhealthy/dangerous state), postponing the subject will just prolong the issue.

No friendship is without conflict and after over coming such issue I believe the friendship gets stronger. However don't pressure yourself into keeping a friend who doesn't care about you.

(sorry for the long post but i hope you luck with your predicament)