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obsess with people that i hate. (6)

1 Name: Saiko : 2019-03-26 02:09 ID:BGKEoCuq [Del]

First off, I would like to state that in no way am I romantically attracted to this person/group.

I find that whenever I have this strong dislike with someone, I can't stop thinking about them. Even if it's someone who I had a long argument with over online and have never met face to face. I would find myself going on their social media account, and trying to find any flaws or mistakes so that I can feel better about myself, but instead it's only temporary and I start to belittle myself or find whatever situation I am in as worse than theirs (almost in a "it's unfair" kind of way).
I know that this mindset and what I'm doing is not healthy or good for me. I know that I need to "move on," "ignore them," "pretend they don't exist," or "think nicer things."
It's just that I don't know how.

2 Name: Ex-psych major : 2019-03-26 02:57 ID:10sNKAwH [Del]

Cognitive restructuring! You need to have self control and force a different thought into your head when you notice this happening. Any strong interests you have, just force yourself into that whenever you find yourself wasting time on this. Eventually you'll associate the old trigger (needless obsession with some stranger) with the new behavior (whatever you'd rather be doing), and it will become more natural to do the new thing instead! You WILL have to force it for a while, however.

This strategy has worked wonders for me personally, even on something as simple as replacing thoughts of self doubt and hate, with confidence and logical reasoning over problems with myself or my life. Simply forming a clear idea of what you'd like to be/do and forcing that whenever possible can do a lot in shaping the way your brain's natural inclinations and learned patterns. Essentially, you need to teach your brain to "default" to a positive rather than negative behavior.

Hope this helps! Meditating on thoughts of hate and anger is never good, even if it can be easy!

3 Name: ዘ42ዐሸ//ሠ!8VU4Y1V.kk : 2019-03-30 15:39 ID:PL+Il3Mh [Del]

A rivalry initiative is probably one of the most fundamentally practical human aspects I've come across. It's chemical reaction alone to the brains own reward system, in measuring/calculation [risk ( pleasure ) x ( reward )];, it promotes a very trusting dopamine fluctuation.

Humans crave rivalry, and have always overcome any oppressor they've faced including the weather itself. With ingenuity found in even the most basic of human minds, the only ones who suffer are those who don't understand that gravity of their choices. They are always the ones to perish, or cause the decay of others. For a person who values liberty over stability, a healthy rivalry will see the best interest of all people in question.


☯꧁ ۵⚝水༄☽

4 Name: lordyeezus : 2019-04-01 03:21 ID:A8Wz5Ah2 [Del]

normie brain example

5 Name: John Titor : 2019-04-06 10:10 ID:pCDr0G3S [Del]

I feel yah. I hate people like that.

6 Name: Reii : 2019-04-06 21:51 ID:0dk6f8AH [Del]

Try to stop being petty. Focus on yourself and things that make you happy. Unless idk, you're THAT bored.