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Advices for finding "True Love" (5)

1 Name: Night_Gazer : 2019-03-13 15:35 ID:nUJVs4YH [Del]

I fall in love often, and kinda hate it. Most of the time i see it as "It's just my brain forcing me to." not seeing them as a match for me, so i just try to ignore these kind of feelings. However i'm in need of love and care too(So do we all) I feel lost and don't even know what to do, might even have missed a few opportunities because of it. I'm not like a weirdo or something, more of an "Extraordinary Type" which i believe is the problem. All i'm seeking is advice, thanks for helping i guess.

2 Name: Vindicate : 2019-03-18 10:13 ID:280SV+e4 [Del]

I know what you're going through friend, I have the same stuff happen to me all the time. I fall in love easily, and the biggest issue is keeping it. I have though, found someone who I truly and deeply care about, however she has a boyfriend so i'm kinda struggling with it. But my advice to you, is to live. Your young i'm assuming, and full of open opportunities. There will be many, upon many women (Or men, I don't judge) who will make you feel special or happy, but they are never going to be your true soul mate, unless you know they are. That's another issue with it all, there's a certain feeling that emerges when you meet "The One". I have felt that feeling, like mentioned she has a boyfriend. She makes me feel special, amazing, heard, happy, and like I matter. You need to just have fun and explore until you find this person. And when you do find them, don't rush it or force it. just let it do its own thing. Sometime's love is better off building itself rather then being forced.

3 Name: Direct : 2019-03-18 11:59 ID:VStwdAcK [Del]

don't it'll kill you

4 Name: Zetxa : 2019-03-23 08:57 ID:f2TPoc7w [Del]

Don't look for love. It'll find you.

5 Name: Hiku : 2019-03-25 21:04 ID:r/Y2lEZg [Del]

You'll find someone. I know they'll find you too. Then you can be married! ^o^