Dollars BBS | Personal
















Coming alive (3)

1 Name: Jolt : 2019-03-12 09:23 ID:DFUplfb8 [Del]

Hey its been a while since I last posted somthing and i was at an all time low that made me feel like giving up i fell in love with a guy who said he wanted to be my boyfriend asked me out i said yes and then he left and never vame back so i started puting a knife to my wrist and dared myself to end it all because i thought maybe it would be better to be dead than for my fam to bear the shame of having a gay son. But then a soldier fell in love with me and now he makes me feel special for the first time in my life i am happy with myself i no longer put the knife to my wrist or date myself to jump in front of trafic. I am not out yet but once my boyfriend gets off of from his tour he is coming to get me and i will be out and free i am so glad i didn't die i needed so i guess ots true life gets better don't die don't give up

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-12 21:04 ID:ALnmCtdQ [Del]

Hey man, I'm really happy things are going well for you. Hope that good things keep coming your way, sounds like you've been through a lot. Stay strong buddy, and remember self-harm is never the answer xx

3 Name: Jolt : 2019-03-16 05:45 ID:dohFYtzp [Del]

He actrally proposed to me last night he said that he wants to get married as soon as possible because he wants us to always be. I said yes so now we are looking to get married online v ia cetificate and then hold a wedding for our friends and family its amazing.