Dollars BBS | Personal
















Help (7)

1 Name: Kira : 2019-03-09 11:27 ID:h4g4Z5zx [Del]

Hi I'm kira I'm new and homeschooled how can I be of help to the dollars if I'm of no use I'll gladly leave

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-09 11:39 ID:frStLQxJ [Del]

If you want to be a physically active Dollars member then you can check out the missions threads. (If you're new then click the 'main' tab and it'll pop up.) Right now there's the whole Dollar pockets thing, which I think is pretty cute. There's always a bunch of "let's leave kind notes for strangers" missions floating around tbh.

Otherwise, if you keep just checking in on this page then there'll eventually be someone who you can offer your advice/experiences to.

Honestly you don't have to worry about being a great help to the Dollars. It's nice to have an identity here of course, but this website isn't all that serious. Remember that Mikado named the group after the phrase "dara dara," which means being idle or just fooling around. You don't have to leave if you aren't posting often or anything like that. Being a spectator here is fine too.

3 Name: Kira : 2019-03-09 11:43 ID:1nuzfbue [Del]

Also how many people are on here and is it okay to see if others your friends with wanna join and thanks anon

4 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-09 11:51 ID:frStLQxJ [Del]

No clue how many people are here tbh, just that there's a lot of us, from a bunch of different places (check the Countries tab, if you're curious). People tend to come and go though. I've been here since like 2014 myself.

And yeah of course you can bring your friends on, the website's open to anyone who knows the password or has a link to one of the pages. You don't need to ask lol.

5 Name: Kira : 2019-03-09 12:36 ID:h4g4Z5zx [Del]

Oh...sorry 😣

6 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-09 12:47 ID:ALnmCtdQ [Del]

No need to be sorry, wasn't trying to be harsh or anything there haha. Hope you & your friends enjoy your time on the site, we're glad to have you xx

7 Name: Vetis : 2019-03-09 15:19 ID:8dsL8EUn [Del]

Kira you are adorable! XD