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Finishing university next april then living abroad (2)

1 Name: LunaXIII : 2019-02-20 03:16 ID:ahltkRaR [Del]

It's 4am where I live when i'm typing this and i'm 23 now. I have trouble sleeping since i'm so worried about moving somewhere alone after finishing university. It feels so scary, when I was like 16 I would use this site a few times and it just helped. Anyways, I'm just really anxious about everything. I never thought i'd be this close to everything I wanted for so long. I've lived with my mom the whole time and i'm scared to leave her alone because it might make her depressed. I feel like I wont enjoy being away because i'll be constantly worrying but its something I always wanted to do. I'm just wondering if it's supposed to feel this terrifying when you're so close to finishing university. I think the last problem I typed into here was about a generic high school problem and now i'm here again haha. If anyone does reply, thank you in advanced incase I somehow forget about this once I wake up.

2 Name: Rook : 2019-05-29 03:39 ID:nhsn5ix4 [Del]

Well my reply is a bit late I guess. But maybe you still see it sometime.

I studied abroad for the last 3 years, though it wasn't that far away, about a 5 hour drive. Of course it is scary, but you get used to living alone and I really enjoyed it.
Don't worry too much about your family, it's not like you are gone forever and even if you can still visit at holidays.And well, today it isn't that hard to keep contact over large distances, if you ever feel lost or whatever, just call, use skype or whatever other app you want to keep in touch.
Of course it will be hard at the beginning, it's a completely new chapter of your life, but just do what you really want to do and everything will be fine