Dollars BBS | Personal
















Something To Help (1)

1 Name: Queen Of Spades : 2019-02-18 21:47 ID:a07XYy3Z [Del]

I just wrote this to help me but i realized it can also help anyone else feelings the same as me and wanted to share it. it doesnt make gramatical sense i know but i write on paper whatever the hell i want in order to help my mind and whatever im feeling so it is a bit personal and not very structured.

okay take a deep breath and release. dont need to be perfect just yourseld. talkign wont kill me and dont ever EVER regret what you say. just breath amd calm down. you amde it through last year crying so this year you cna make it through laughing. remeber your new years resolution "take care of myself" so thats what im gunna do. if in trouble listen to good clean music and if all fails then Battlescars (Paradise Fears). if it gets worse just talk to someone. if you need to, go ahead and schedule a time to talk and push yourself a little bit to do it. cry and SCREAM TO THE WORLD OUT LOUD (unless you have some amazing makeup/ art on for goodness sakes do not ruin your masterpiece (but cry if you need to jsut not when you have art on yuor face pelase)) if i have an anxiety/panic attack or feel overwhelemed just stop whetever im doing IMMIDIETLY NO EXCUSES!! and lay down on the ground ro bed or wherever you feel safe and comfrotable. close my eyes, put my hands on ym stomach and breath. focus on how yuo feel mentally, physcally, and emotionally. (as in how your body is moving when i breath or memeories tha tmaek me happy or how i cna eat something delicious) sit in the bath and get away from family (even if it feels wrong do it if i need to). change clothesinto something you love to feel ebetter. go put on makeup if you want to, fix your hair, do soemthing to treat yourself (eating counts too no matter the food it all counts) walk proudly on earth. let people know you are here a you demand and get the equal amount of care, love and attention like every single person. when your criticze yourself immdielty compliment yourself. cant think of something? THEN GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE TO SAY SOMEThIMG!!! you have a boo k yuo dont care about, pencil, paper, pillow, wall, shirt, tree, or literally anything material (expect your skin do not scratch or hurt yourself in any small way that does not count) then grba that object and write, doodle, draw, or caligrpahy on it whatever the hell you want. no abilities to write TEHN GET THE OBJECT AND DO WAHTEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WITH IT. crumble it in your hand, rip it too shreds, bite it, kick it, scratch, nad scribble on it with words no one understnad but me. do what i need to do to feel better thats good for me.

