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Some stuff that's been bothering me (7)

1 Name: A : 2019-02-16 18:43 ID:6j6Pfv9p [Del]

All of my friends have been getting more and more distant from me. Even my best friend is slowly starting to talk to me less and less. Today I sent her a message in the morning (around 10 ish) it's now 7:30 and she still hasn't opened my message. "oh well maybe she's been busy all day?" Nope, she's been talking in our group chat all day yet she doesn't have the time to message me. And on top of all that, my girlfriend is mad at me and I have no clue why, shes barely even texted me, that has been going on for 3 days. I just need some advice on what to do...

2 Name: celty : 2019-02-18 17:09 ID:brE1iCJh [Del]

I've been in this situation a lot of times and all I can tell you is to just directly ask the person. I mean it won't be the 100% solution but from my experiences it's better than doing nothing and waiting for people to come to you cause if you don't do anything and let time just pass you're most probably gonna regret it. But now you don't have anything to lose at this point right?
Anyways stay strong! I hope you'll work it out

3 Name: valieva : 2019-02-18 21:21 ID:ieztkTe0 [Del]

It may be hard but take this chance to get out of your comfort zone and find new interesting people. Also remember, while it might hurt, find the way to feel just fine with yourself, even if they are ignoring you. Let them be and let you be without them.

4 Name: Kira : 2019-02-18 21:26 ID:eHQGi7yh [Del]

I would wait it out and be patience like I have seen a friend of mines for a month and hevlives next doors still talk to me thought he was mad time heal wounds

5 Name: A : 2019-03-04 15:25 ID:6j6Pfv9p [Del]

She ended up dumping me last weekend

6 Name: lofi : 2019-03-06 19:42 ID:7TlYbvqU [Del]

did she tell you why she dumped you?

7 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-03-07 14:41 ID:63s9iS0B [Del]

People are weird and can act really shitty to each other in trying to avoid conflict. It sucks when someone else decides they're not worth your time, but so be it.