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Is it wrong to wish for something impossible? (5)

1 Name: Nai : 2019-02-10 00:41 ID:jhSZSkXE [Del]

I don't know if 'sad' is the right term to call it but I've been feeling sad lately and I don't know why. I have my family and friends, I do well in school, I don't have enemies, and I pretty much get everything I wanted. Yet, for some reason, I still felt like something is missing.

Maybe it's because my life has been the same ever since I can remember? Wake up, Eat, Go to school, go home, do homework, sleep. It's always like that. Maybe I just want something to change? Maybe I just wanted something different to happen in my life.

I don't know. I don't even get what I'm typing right now. I can't understand. Help me?

2 Name: PassLight !vnOdm8Fzdk : 2019-02-10 05:25 ID:ptyFxBQd [Del]

You wish for something akin to the extraordinary. A simple injection of something out of the ordinary into your daily life could help you. You claim something is missing; I offer that you keep a journal. This journal may reveal what you feel like you're missing, or it in itself may make you feel better. I can't suggest anything more, because major problems could arise when trying to find something, or do something extraordinary. With that I hope you have a good day!

3 Name: Kira : 2019-02-23 15:46 ID:3lIJDVRU [Del]

Personally I feel the same way cuz I'm 23 and I have been doing that same stuff except I have a part time and I go to college I would suggest the journal thing and also try new stuff like doing a sport or finding a new hobby I hope that helps and I don't know if your young or not but if you are u have your life ahead to think about it

4 Name: LunaXIII : 2019-02-23 22:59 ID:bCQ1VN0x [Del]

maybe like passlight said just maybe do something you usually wouldn't! but even if something extremely exciting or extremely bad happens you might go back to this "sad" feeling but I the sad feeling might be the hedonic treadmill which is basically a thing that no matter how much we have we will always feel like we want more and its not a bad thing! understanding this exists helps alot ! maybe you could do something simple to change it up (eat something you normally as a simple change)

5 Name: LunaXIII : 2019-02-23 23:06 ID:bCQ1VN0x [Del]

normally wouldn't*