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What even? (Small rant) (4)

1 Name: Kuiro : 2019-02-10 00:26 ID:uUT2qXKJ [Del]

My ex and I recently started talking and he then decided to carry on how much he missed talking to me and so on stating "after that little incident". It was no little incident he cheated on me with one of my friends at the time and now wants to play it off like it doesnt matter? I saw it coming anyway she had a thing for him and I actually met him through her and she pushed that we should be in a relationship because it's what he wanted. But I guess I didnt put out because I wasn't mentally ready and it wasn't good enough to wait. Bad enough my friend then dated him after that and carried on that he cheated because he didnt wanna hurt my feelings since I pursued him.. like what idek how I "pursued" him.. he would constantly try to hug or cuddle me before we dated and most times I just ignored it

2 Name: Vierev : 2019-02-12 17:42 ID:pkLCWAED [Del]

If I werw you, I'd ignore him and send him far away from my life. He's not worth your time. He blew up his chance, he has to face the consequences.

3 Name: J : 2019-02-14 16:45 ID:qDNGGYZ9 [Del]

he ruined it for you and himself, he'll learned some day he cant do bullshit like that or he will be alone forever.

4 Name: Hip : 2019-02-16 02:04 ID:3qnoa+Xd [Del]

If you ask me, this guys sounds thoroughly confused with the signals both you and your friend were sending. Some guys try to hug or cuddle others out of friendship, but assuming that wasn't the case, maybe he noticed your friend liking him, but then she could have given him hints that you like him, so he tried to answer? He was trying to understand whether or not you really want to be in a relationship. The problem here is your friend. If she wasn't there to coax him, maybe he would have noticed your unwillingness and stepped back. However, she most likely convinced him that this is what you want (he said you pursued him) and then told you that this is what he wants. This all could have been a plot for your friend to get closer to him OR more likely she didn't understand her own feelings at all at the time. In the end, she seems to have understood herself and maybe tried to break what she made between you two? I'm not too sure, could be wrong for all I know, but it seems to me that your friend is more to blame that the guy.