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I think I'm just gross (7)

1 Name: Neon : 2019-01-20 08:42 ID:PLfuvYLj [Del]

Sup guys (forgive me if bad spelling had a few) anywho im nineteen in a few months and like out of 5 siblings I'm literally the only one who hasn't done it even though I have had two boyfriends but currently single. So I just wanna do it man couldnt care about a relationship I just dont know how to seduce someone like am I just gross? Or is there a reason no one has done it with me?

2 Name: PassLight !vnOdm8Fzdk : 2019-01-20 09:25 ID:ptyFxBQd [Del]

There could be a variety of reasons why no one has done it with you, but it is less likely to be because you're ugly. We do have the statement that relationships shouldn't be about doing it, but being comfortable with someone. That comfort can eventually lead to what you seek if it comes to fruition. But if you revolve your whole relationship life around getting in someones pants then you're looking at it from my the wrong angle. At least that is my two cents on the matter. I hope you have a good day.

3 Name: Neon : 2019-01-20 09:28 ID:n4FF0MiV [Del]

I suppose just not many people get comfortable around me as I'm very monotone in speech and quite straight foward

4 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-20 18:18 ID:rAbAzYar [Del]

Like >>2 said it's most likely not that you're gross or anything along those lines. I'm the same age as you (turning 19 in February), I even have the same monotony thing going on lol, and I haven't had any sexual experience either. But it honestly doesn't bother me, despite knowing that both my siblings (older and younger) have more experience. I always thought of sex as an "it'll happen whenever it happens" sort of thing. And it's actually not uncommon for people to lose thier virginities in their twenties, especially now that a lot of people around our age are more focused on school/work.

It's not really something to worry about, so I personally wouldn't go out of my way to have sex with someone just to get it over with. If in the past you expected your first time to be with your partner, then I'd say you should wait for it to happen naturally with someone you're comfortable with.

5 Name: Azuzu : 2019-01-21 16:07 ID:7xW/pG9c [Del]

Definitely ure not gross ! Wait for the right time and right person. I lost it w my first boy at 15 when i was drunk and falling asleep and didnt even know he did it. Then i felt gross and im sad till today i didn't wait for someone else !

6 Name: PassLight !vnOdm8Fzdk : 2019-01-21 16:17 ID:ptyFxBQd [Del]

Indeed. I agree with >>4 and my consolations go to Azuzu. In fact if this is the the time to start telling parts of our life, or lives in general. I can say reassuringly that there is a great many people who have passed their early years of life and never got to that point of a relationship. Or got into any relationship at all. A matter of time and many other factors of which I don't know accumulate into a relationship. But I'm unsure of how much I could say on this matter, as I myself have never been in a relationship.

7 Name: Spare : 2019-01-28 06:37 ID:wA/apaAi [Del]

Same age. Dude, you're not gross and there's no weird reason. Most people haven't done anything sexual at 18, don't put yourself under pressure. I know your 5 siblings are talking big and all, but really what you're experiencing is nothing out of the ordinary.

You say you're worried about 'seducing'? It comes naturally, there's no need to consciously choose to do that, or it's just awkward. If you both like each other, then you'll both naturally pick up on body language anyway. That's why I wouldn't recommend just picking a random dude and going for it. First of all there's possible danger if its a stranger, not to mention STD's and all... I think if you're willing to wait for a relationship with then you might have a better time.

>>5 I'm so sorry. That sounds really bad, it might be a good idea to talk to someone if you haven't...