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Hey... (6)

1 Name: Eliza : 2019-01-16 08:17 ID:1oq8A+OI [Del]

So im sitting here contemplating suicide ive been for a bit...

In October I overdosed and survived but I dont think I can do this anymore I'm just so done with all this and I can't keep going to therapy I can't keep up with school. Theres no reason why I should keep living cuz noone cares.

2 Name: Eu : 2019-01-16 16:19 ID:F6WgGvnH [Del]

You know ...i have tried to kill myself in october at school and 2 years have passed. I've changed . I smile . I laugh .talk positive ,and yet . I still cant find better answer than suicide . And that is what i am gonna say to you make it less painful.

3 Name: Homofem : 2019-01-17 10:26 ID:o/vdRqun [Del]


4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-01-18 10:19 ID:sMjJveKQ [Del]

In March 2015, I attempted suicide but survived. In May 2017, I was contemplating it again and wished that I actually had died instead of survived. In August 2017,I felt... happy. And from then on, I've been happy more often than not.
It's hard, incredibly hard, to get out of the idea that suicide is the best option. It took me more than 2 years to reach a point where I'm glad to still be alive. But it is possible, and happens all the time.
How did I do it? I honestly don't know. I just took things one day at a time. And eventually, the pain I felt was so small that I could ignore it. I could be happy and live life.
I think a big part of it was me telling myself, "If I'm meant to die, I will. Something will kill me." And nothing has yet, so I can only assume it's not my time.

So maybe just take things one day at a time. Try to find even the tiniest little reasons to stay alive. Like maybe you'll have a nice snack later in the day or the next season of your favorite show isn't out yet? It doesn't matter if it's silly, as long as you have a reason, that's good! Try to slowly change your attitude. If you have a negative thought, try to counter it with two positives (that was rough for me to do, but it's made a huge difference).
You are valuable, whether you think it or not. Your life is important. It'd be a shame for you to leave so soon. Life is awful sometimes, downright unbearable. But you have to push through.
Also, don't go through this alone. I know it feels like you're only a burden to those around you, but you need help. Get all the help you can. Humans are social creatures; we were never meant to do things alone. And remember, you are never alone.

6 Name: Max : 2019-02-15 09:07 ID:1oq8A+OI [Del]

Mabey you should just get it over with