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How important is sex? (10)

1 Name: anonymous.. : 2019-01-02 08:49 ID:JPh4evlw [Del]

I’ve never really been interested in it. I mean, I’m still a guy who finds the other gender attractive, and my body seems to be after something, but I feel like my personality is more of an asexuals. I’ve never really wanted to have sex. I don’t even masterbate because I find porn to be gross. I don’t mean any offense to others but I just don’t get it.

I’m obviously a virgin, but I’m in my twenties, and I’m wondering if it’s almost unhealthy to be like this. Is sec really an important part of life? It just seems like a drug, just something you do for pleasure or to reproduce. I don’t have anyone in mind when saying this but is it worth trying it? Is it actually important or can I live without it and be normal?

2 Name: Haise : 2019-01-02 08:56 ID:nsGHD4US [Del]

I'm 23 and a virgin and it's the least important thing to me. I think a lot of young people hype it up and then rush into it. Living without sex is normal I'd say and when that time is right it'll happen. I don't believe it's a necessity until you know you're ready.

3 Name: Nevrie : 2019-01-02 10:32 ID:ieztkTe0 [Del]

It's not that important. Even if you're in a relationship it is not necessary for it to be a focal point, of course it is something relevant but don't push yourself into it because if it is important or not. Just do it when you really want to.
And in my opinion it's really worth trying :) and of course you can live without it and be perfectly fine.

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2019-01-02 11:50 ID:0moczDDE [Del]

Hey, nature got them mating season. Its not important I guess. Sex used to be such a sacred ritual, and now... Well, its like this! Don't let it get to you I guess.

5 Name: Raizo : 2019-01-02 17:07 ID:NcytyEnb [Del]

It's very case dependent. Some people care about it more than others. Some believe they need that kind of intimate sensation to receive/give love from another. Some are very dependent on that. Others believe it's not important at all & will just shrug it off. Others believe it's very sacred & will not have sex with their partners until marriage or sometimes not even then. What matters is how you feel about it. One day you'll either feel inside that your ready or you will decide when you think you'll be ready. There's absolutely no rush, you have all the time in the world.

6 Name: Amber Dixon : 2019-01-03 17:04 ID:YaBOaH0l [Del]

aromantic maybe?

7 Name: Nevrie : 2019-01-04 01:15 ID:zKW7jkyb [Del]

I think asexual may be it instead?

8 Name: anonymous.. : 2019-01-05 06:59 ID:JPh4evlw [Del]

Op here. So, I guess I was asking more if there’s any physical or mental changes that come with it. As much as I hate it, it feels like my body really does want something. I’ve never really planned on having sex with anyone in the near future because it feels a bit rude or selfish. My intention would be the sex, or at the very least it would be a huge bias going into it. It just feels wrong to even try because I know that I’m someone who won’t be able to offer them what they’re after emotionally, as I’m not one to easily get close to others or “feel” things for other people. I’m struggling to find a moral conclusion to this though...

9 Name: Yrdin : 2019-01-05 07:06 ID:uV7xHW8P [Del]

Asexual, I would say.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some just can't find any sexual desire towards other people.
There's also the possibility that you're a GrayAce, which means you might find sexual desire towards one or two, but not towards a great part of the rest of the population.

Either way, you can definitely live a happy life without sex, it is not needed to have a fulfilling life for everyone.

Sadly, a lot of people are under the impression that
* Sex means real to connection with someone else, for everyone
* Sex is a must for a healthy relationship, for everyone
* Sex is a need, for everyone
* Sex is a right, for everyone

For some, the first three might be true (the fourth one is just a scandalous assumption that I don’t even want to imagine someone at this day and age actually believing)
But it is outright false to assume it applies to everyone.

What sex also can be for some is
* A physical pleasure
* A need
* A way to de-stress
* A way to feel loved
* A way to not feel alone
* A way to show appreciation

And for some, sex is just meh and not something they think about, because they don’t have a need for it.

In my opinion, the only important part about sexual preferences is to be open and honest about them if you would find yourself engaged in some sort of relationship.

Starting out with doing something because it pleases your partner will backfire on you in the end, when you can’t hold it up any longer, and end up most likely trying to escape sex, because it actually doesn’t make you happy.

When your partner becomes aware of the changes in your behavior and feel that you are distancing yourself, they will be hurt and sad and probably think about it as that they are inadequate/lacking something to make you aroused, not doing a good job, not being attractive, and so on and so forth, and very little you can say will speak louder than your actions.

If you don’t feel a need for sex, and especially if it actually grosses you out, that is totally fine.
It is totally fine.

Just make sure to communicate this to any future partner, and you should be all set.

10 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-01-05 11:53 ID:hNVQIrFr [Del]

>>9 This, yes.

Asexuality is a thing and it's perfectly okay.
(I don't think Gray-ace is a thing though - you either experience sexual attraction or you don't. There's no logical reason to measure how often you feel sexual attraction.)

If it's really a concern to you, there's always a possibility that some medical issue is causing it, such as a hormonal imbalance. You can check with a doctor to get that tested. (Some ace people get pissed if you suggest it's a medical problem, but let me be clear: being ace is not a medical issue. It's not something that can be "fixed", it's just how they are. But for some people, the lack of a sex drive can be an indication of something.)

You can even discuss it with a therapist if you're really unsure. But all in all, it's not a bad thing to be uninterested in sex. And it's also absolutely okay if you choose to never have sex. Never make yourself do something you're not okay with.