Dollars BBS | Personal
















How do you be happy alone? (3)

1 Name: ck : 2018-11-25 14:47 ID:IwBR6Hzt [Del]

During the worst phase life could ever take for me, I started dating someone. I dont know why I did it, because at the time i really felt that i liked them but maybe it was because i was trying to cope with what was happening. I knew i didnt like a lot of their habits and views on things but i believed that i was in love with them. They did some things to worsen the situation but even without that i could feel my mental state dropping everyday, maybe being with them made it worse or I made it. Because i was in no state to date someone, i still havent resolved many issues that i have. They said they loved me and i liked it but i didnt like it, more like id want to end it abruptly and have a sad ending ending.. because i didnt like the person. And now after many fights and me going back to them hours or minutes later, they are not going to accept this on and off.i know i dont like them and im much better on my own but i have no one else in my life. And i dont like it, i ve done this before, fought with someone, i initiated and they left. I dont like being alone, i want to text them all the time but its more like i dont take care of myself when i text them. Its obsessive texting. And i remind muself everyday to eat on time and take care but i stop in the evening and want to contact them, by obsessive i dont mean being clingy but more i cant survive by myself.I do hate how this is hurting them. I cant afford a therapist to help me so im here to write my thoughts.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Homofem : 2018-12-16 17:04 ID:5fRAwu+v [Del]

You have to realize that you seek his presence, because it's become a habit. Get your things together and stop contacting him for a while.
Also, about your main question: Love is not everything to life. It's just a small part of it.
You need to find something that you enjoy doing on your own. Work on something, or read a nice book on something you are interested in. Go for a walk, volunteer for something.
If you don't do anything, you won't be happy; You will not find new friends either.