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No talent. Getting hard to want to be alive anymore. (11)

1 Name: Untalented : 2018-11-20 14:29 ID:FWAxqZZU [Del]

At 24 years old and having tried practically everything under the sun, I realized I have no natural talent at anything. I was passionate about jiu-jitsu and for about 7 years I trained my ass off, but I always get passed up by people who are just naturally talented and have maybe been there for a year or two and they end up winning things I can’t. I quit recently and told them to just forget about me. My father put both my brother and I into many different sports and activities and while my brother had an aptitude for some things I had no aptitude for any of those things. So this led me to quit pretty much everything I tried. It’s getting to the point where I even wonder why below average people like me were even born. I struggle even to get out of bed every morning.
I don’t know what to do anymore.

2 Name: RoseCandy !4QqVbpH6bM : 2018-11-20 21:37 ID:ixlwMayL [Del]

Your problem is that you're comparing yourself to others. Which is common, but soo unhealthy and harmful to your self esteem. try not to do things that you necessarily excel at, but rather what you genuinely enjoy doing. If you have any fun hobbies or passions. maybe interests in cooking, fan related things, collections, blogging, literature, art/music, and such. Those are wonderful things to give you and your life enjoyment :) You don't NEED to be great at everything. Or anything, really. Worry about what gives you joy to do, and don't let the abilities of anyone else make you feel bad about it. because you matter, and your interests matter, and the fact that you even do it makes you awesome anyways. work on these things before you worry about competition bases scenes. don't let other people damage your self esteem. the love and enjoyment that goes into doing things matters more than the SUBJECTIVE ability to do it <3 I hope this helps. I really understand how youre feeling.

3 Name: Untalented : 2018-11-21 21:21 ID:FWAxqZZU [Del]

>>2 that’s the problem. I literally don’t excel at anything. Whether it’s sports, art, music, YouTube, etc., I just don’t excel at anything. I have no natural talent while all of my friends and my brother do. I was even made fun of by my cousins because my brother was able to ride a bike in no time while I had training wheels for two fucking years, and I’m older to boot.
Nothing brings me happiness anymore. I can’t even listen to music without thinking “wow, this artist has so much talent while I literally have none”.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-11-22 03:28 ID:MxlQhTm8 [Del]

This. You shouldn't knock yourself down like that despite what you may consider yourself as to having "no talents" or "not excelling at anything". How would you define talent? Is it a natural born ability? Or can it be something that is achieved through grit and persistence? You mentioned that you did jiu jitsu for 7 years- that's really remarkable. I can't see myself lasting that long if I ever did BJJ. I did aikido for about a year and a half before I call it quits since I couldn't take the falls.

>>2 mentioned some really good points which I want to elaborate on. You don't need to compare yourself with others. Why? For what? Ego? Self-esteem? All of us are different, none of us are created the same. We all have our strengths, and weaknesses. We all run the same race, at different speeds, in our own time. Your race isn't your brother's so stop comparing yourself with others. Instead if you admire someone's end result, learn from them. Go talk to them about how they managed to achieve such a feat. Their answers may surprise and inspire you. You think all those great sportsmen and musicians don't encounter any failures along the way? They have plenty, but they don't stop them from getting to where they are today. They keep improving, day after day.

It's really not a big deal to have no talents. I don't consider myself talented. I am though passionate about architecture. Younger students these days churn out gorgeous works better than mine, but I don't let that stop me from improving myself. Success is 1% talent and 99% perspiration. Don't take my word for it, Thomas Edison said so, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Moving forward, I think you should change your mindset. Throw away those pessimistic and cynical thoughts inside your head and adopt an inquisitive and eager attitude to learn from others. For a start, go back to BJJ.

Sometime along the way you'll come across the thought 'Talent is overrated, I can be happy without it'

5 Name: TheGuardedWatcher : 2018-11-22 11:25 ID:+RyAMudq [Del]

Mate, have you really tried everything? Maybe you excel at flower arrangemangs or, perhaps your hidden talent is pottery.
Don’t beat yourself up about only being 24 and not having found your calling in life. Most people don’t find their thing until their 40s.

The important thing is to keep your curiosity alive, that’s how children learn.
What if all toddlers would have given up after failing to walk a hundred times, we would all be crawling still.

6 Name: Bump : 2018-11-22 16:54 ID:C+dDV/NX [Del]


7 Name: [kanenas] : 2018-11-25 12:20 ID:MqKX/dsR [Del]

>>5 LOL, I was thinking about pottery too :D :D :D

8 Name: bump : 2018-12-02 18:26 ID:ixlwMayL [Del]


9 Name: Homofem : 2018-12-16 16:57 ID:5fRAwu+v [Del]

Comparing yourself to others is not wrong. It's natural. You just have to face reality, some people pick stuff up faster than others. But don't let fate control you. If you really like doing something, if you really want to exceed in it, you need passion.

Passion is the key to excellence.

10 Name: Ghost : 2018-12-18 08:17 ID:dnpoixHZ [Del]

I understand you dude. I am completely average and compared to my friends I’m nothing. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have something that they don’t. You said you worked your ass off correct? A lot of people who get it quickly or are smart don’t work as hard. Work, determination, and self motivation is the key to being great in life. Keep working and eventually life will bend at your will( a little dramatic there but it’s true)

11 Name: Nevrie : 2018-12-19 01:25 ID:MWo7AGDi [Del]

If you live comparing to others you'll nerer EVER be happy and satisfied with your life as it could be at any point. There will always be someone better.
If you base your enjoyment in winning stuff and being the best then at the end what is the point? A medal equals the genuine enjoyment and love for the things you do?
Externa recognition its cool and everything but in the end you have your way of doing and ejoying things.
We don't come to this world just to win shit and be recognized. We come here to be our own version, be the best version of you.
If you keep looking down on yourself you'll never be able to see your outstanding side and potential.
Are you going to waste your life because you think you're not good enough? Are you going to forget the joy you got by doing the things you love just because someone is "better"? Are you going to give up on yourself?
You are amazing as you are. Live your life to the fullest, enjoy the experience, do what makes you, YOU, not others, happy and fullfilled. They can take their awards and be buried with them. That sure sounds like something amazig and trascendental. You are born to LIVE, not to compete.
You are yourself, and that's perfect.