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just thinking out loud (1)

1 Name: e.u. : 2018-11-14 09:50 ID:F6WgGvnH [Del]

I'm feeling this again. I want anyone to read this. Its not adressed to you and not to one particular person. Just do not read it. I'm not writing this for you. I'm just writing for myself . When you base your expectations only on what you see,you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality.
- i am a human...
She whispered.
As soon as it was spelled, the dark room swallowed it up. Only this body experiences duality. She thought that if the word was to be heard, she could understand the reason of it.
What could be the girl feeling in a dark room ,looking beyond the window,thinking about someone.thinking that ,by looking to the moon she could be connected to her.What does this person have to do with her .she is gone ... she closed her eyes and imagined that she is entering another world.vibrations were getting stronger and soon it became real. she was lying on the field where a powerful breeze was blowing her hair. She is surrounded by rocky mountains which have not yet taken the leg of the human. Everything is in her mind. Once soul will rise and walk on the ground on which another soul has never gone out. Her physical body blocks the movements because she doesnt want to feel awake. If she gets up in an astral body, she will wake up in the physical body.
- Free your mind .
she whispered for herself.
there is no obstacle.
The only obstacle is your fear .train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose .let go your earthly tether . Let her go.. Let your body enter the void empty. You have to let her go to move freely in your astral realm. The reason ,why i want to let you go is to become free myself.