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What to do? (4)

1 Name: GGM8 : 2018-11-02 11:33 ID:BpENxJQ2 [Del]

So I'm still in school and I'm in french class and were playing this wolf game. The Game is where there are 3 wolfs and there goal is to kill all the villagers and my friend was the litter girl. The little girl can peak out at night in the game and see who the wolfes are but if hes chaught he dies. Now there are 4 people dead in the game and it's night and 3 kids how are dead in the game start to fake punch him so he finched and they yelled "HES THE LITTLE GIRL!!!" and he was killed because of 3 cheaters so I called one of them a "Cheating Bastered" and He was yelling that he was going to beat me up after school and the teacher heard this. so we got in touble. Next day I'm called to the office and they blamed me for the making it a scean to the eniter class! I'm not the one how yelled! Whats funny about this whole thing is the the teacher was watching them cheat and did aboustly nothing. But when one of the kids started doing the Take the L emote all she was "stop that". This is why kids that are being bullyed don't go to the teacher for help then the teacher wonder why. I remeber one time I went to the principal for help because so some kids were bullying me and he said to me "Fix it yoursself" and this was on the anti bully day were he said "Come to me if you need help". Can someone give me advice on what to do please?

2 Name: Rune_Vocs!dl6f4LGQew : 2018-11-03 05:36 ID:Te0/k/2S [Del]

Ignorance is a bliss. .

3 Name: Elixime : 2018-11-05 16:03 ID:KPY+mhDX [Del]

You should try speaking about it to your parents, the principal would not dare to said them "Fix it yourself"!
What's the point of organising a anti bully day to say that?

PS:Love that game!

4 Name: Nosam : 2018-11-07 07:04 ID:a4HjZN3g [Del]

Bullies suck... I recommend you show them you don't care. And always have someone you trust with you in school. That way...if you do get bullied they can maybe record? And then assist u. Try not to fight. It doesn't end well. Oh and there's always just plain out ignoring them completely. If they hit u or mess with Ure stuff, then take it up a notch and tell your parents.