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Lazy to Study (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-10-12 05:45 ID:VEG5Rryh [Del]

Exams are in a week. I'm still lazy to study. Tell me how I can start studying and continue till my exams end. Please.

2 Name: Nonymous : 2018-10-12 09:16 ID:hePn3BZN [Del]

Sorry if this is late. Flashcards are always good. Or you could go make a Kahoot or some other educational game for yourself. Or you could always try cheating instead, but you'd likely get caught.

3 Name: Kasagara !d87q5FRUyE : 2018-10-12 16:00 ID:Lg3ZPjq1 [Del]

If I have exams, I use Quizlet for learning Vocab (good for languages especially) or copy out all my notes so they get into my head. Colour code them, make it bright and easy to read and understand. It really helps if you can clearly see and look through them after.

4 Name: Daemon : 2018-10-12 20:52 ID:OvQIpdcg [Del]

Like the others have said, games are very useful to study, even more so if the material is boring. Colour coding works well if you're a "non-verbal learning type" of person. Reading out loud helps if you're a "verbal learning type" of person. Walking around while reading your notes might also help. Imo, explaining the concepts to someone helps a lot. A reward system might help, if you manage to keep the "reward" for after the studying ;).
Some tricks work for some people and some don't, you'll have to experiment on your own.

Obviously keep the phone away, it'll keep you from procrastinating by watching videos and checking on your social medias. If you use your phone as a study tool, you can find apps that will let you "lock" some other apps that you know might distract you, for a predetermined amount of time.

Also, try figuring out how much time you can concentrate on studying before you start getting distracted easily. In average, people can concentrate for about 45 minutes on a task before starting to be easily distracted. After 45 minutes (or however long you last), take a 10 minute "active" break.
Now, don't go check your emails or you social medias, just get up and move a little. Do something that you can do "mindlessly", like talking a walk, small talk with others, etc.

So yeah, good luck with your studies and hope this helps!