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Romance? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-10-09 20:53 ID:+cUK5CJz [Del]

Ok so I met this guy online who is like 9 years older than me and I'm really young but he only thinks of me as a freind and im starting to fall for him. It's not like he's weird and asks for anything. He simply thinks of me as a freind but I cant push these emotions away. I told myself it isn't right and my parents would kill me, plus he could be a kidnapper or something. Plus so many people like him...I tell myself that these emotions are dumb and I should be his freind only but at the end of the day I can only think of him. I don't even know what he looks like, I want to tell him how I feel but he could go to jail because I'm under age. I know my feelings will only do I stop myself from feeling this way?

2 Name: Artison : 2018-10-10 07:48 ID:flP8P77X [Del]

I have a similar situation, I have this girl online who is 4 years older than me and I am starting to fall for her. If you want to just wait a little while until you are the right age or else. But it is your choice choose what you think it's right.

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2018-10-10 14:38 ID:uf3NGQ4R [Del]

My advice with age gaps is always, as long as you're over 25, it doesn't matter. Under 25, stay within 2 years. (The reason for this is because of brain development. The brain isn't fully developed until age 25.)

If you do tell him and he reciprocates, you might feel amazing, however that is a BAD SIGN. No mature adult will have feelings for someone underage. Those who do are predators who take advantage of your ignorance. There are NO exceptions to this. Don't believe those who tell you otherwise. Keep yourself safe. And like you, said, he could and should go to jail for something like that.

Waiting until you're of age isn't gonna make the situation any better. Think about it. A guy waits for someone underage to be of age and then dates them. Seems pretty predatory, right? That's because it is. Had you met him AFTER you were of age, there'd be no issue. But in your situation, there really is no right way for you two to be together and have it be healthy, so get that idea out of your head quickly.

You can always try to "convert" your feelings for him. Your feelings are currently romantic. Try making them familial. I had a crush on a guy once who was in a relationship. I came to think of him as a brother and eventually, the crush faded. Try that.
If you aren't able to control your feelings for him, I highly recommend you cut off contact with him for a while, because it won't be healthy for either if you. It will hurt, yes, but you need to do what is best for you.

Ideally, you could be able to tell him and if he's mature, he'll reject you. Rejection does work to get rid of feelings, in my experience. However, that's a risky move because you don't know how he'll respond and he could reciprocate, which as I explained before, is not a good thing.

It's a difficult situation, but give yourself time to think it over. Most importantly, keep yourself safe.

4 Name: Artison : 2018-10-10 16:01 ID:/k7B9qAo [Del]

This guy is right you should listen to him rather than me

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-10-10 19:27 ID:+cUK5CJz [Del]

I mean I did ammit my feelings in a joking way and he turned me down, he says he thinks of me as a freind. I only did it to see what would happen (btw this is when we first met)but now he's starting to open up to me instead of being cold like before. His freinds say he isn't one to open up to people. Still I know I'm young but I've never felt this way about anyone. I wish it would go away, I thought it would. Like one of those day crushes...maybe I do need to take a break from talking to him to let my mind settle

6 Name: Daccano : 2018-10-10 21:10 ID:ZoL3jum7 [Del]

I think not talking to him for a little while is a good idea,
take some time to think about your future and the people around you maybe even talk to a irl friend about it if you are comfortable with that
But most importantly don't lose hope, you will find someone else

I went through something a little similar to this but not as complicated, and it took me a while to get over it but I finally have now, and I think you will you